Unitarian Univeralist Congregation Rock Tavern
Wonder who we are? Play this 3 min video!
Caring Community Circle
Post Election jitters?
Concerned about the state of our nation and what is to come?
Rev Diane and Markly Wilson will facilitate a discussion on Sun Jan 5 after our Potluck Lunch at 12:15pm. You are invited to join and share your thoughts and feelings.
Religious Exploration Ministry
During the month of January, Ms. Bernie and the children will be exploring the theme "The
Practice of Story" from the Soul Matters curriculum.
Each Sunday, Religious Education (RE) class will focus on a slightly different perspective of the "Story" theme.
Here's a description from the Soul Matter's team:
"Human beings are storytelling creatures and stories give us hope and help us grow...We use stories to help us bond with each other as well as build our personal identities. A major goal this month is to help our children understand and explore that we are made of two different types of stories, collective stories and individual stories, and that we use both of these to build our identities as individuals and communities. Another idea woven through
this month’s sessions is that our stories inspire the stories of others. Hearing others bravely tell their stories, we all gain the courage to share and proudly embrace our own. Finally, this month is all about remembering that stories help us make sense of our world."
- Session One: Stories and You: The practice of building your unique identity
- Session Two: Stories and Friendship: The practice of building meaningful connections
- Session Three: Stories and Social Change: The practice of building the future we hope for (MLK Day).
We will continue to have a "Play Day" on the last Sunday of each month. On this day no official lesson is planned, but children are encouraged to connect with each other and build
community through play. They are invited to utilize the playroom and the many games in the RE room with their parents' supervision / help to tidy up as needed.
--Michelle DiLorenzo, RE Chair
We Love Movies!
Change of date We usually meet the first Thursday of the month at 7 pm. via Zoom - but in January we will meet on the 2nd Thursday, January 9. For our January 9 discussion, we have selected Love Actually, which is available on Amazon Prime. We were looking for the ultimate “feel good” movie to end the holiday season and start the new year. This 2003 romantic comedy has an all-star cast and lots of fun. Use the Zoom link below or on the uucrt.org website to join the discussion.
Meeting ID: 966 3436 4686 Passcode: educate
Join by phone: 1 929 205 6099
Meeting ID: 966 3436 4686 Passcode: 8282691
We Love Books!
We meet on the 3rd Thursday of the month at 7 pm via Zoom. On Thursday, January 16, An Unfinished Love Story: A Personal History of the 1960s by Doris Kearns Goodwin has been selected for our discussion. The author and her husband both worked for Democratic leaders of the 1960s. As they study their accumulated papers from those years before his death in 2018, they renew their own love story and their love of the American Dream.
Join us via the Zoom link below or in the weekly e-Blast or the uucrt.org website.
Meeting ID: 966 3436 4686 Passcode: educate
Join by phone: 1 929 205 6099 Meeting ID: 966 3436 4686 Passcode: 8282691
Inclement Weather Information
If inclement weather forces the UUCRT to cancel services, a notice will be sent via eBlast Sunday morning. No notice will be posted on the website.
Social Action Ministry
Let’s keep our values alive in the world! Have some ideas? Join us as we jumpstart our mission into 2025. Contact Nancy or Nan
Welcoming Ministry
A few visitors, including one family came to our Meeting House this month, perhaps
a "post-election" effect. The short-term trend is good. FYI. I visited the UU of the Catskills
building near Kingston, last week. I was told the building-which is a large, old colonial style house, in bad repair- is for sale and the members are looking to share space with another group. That is a troubling trend these days. Can we be the exception that proves the rule?
-Jim Tarvin
Caring Ministry
What we do! The Caring Ministry provides short-term, physical help to individuals and families within our congregation who are in need. While we cannot offer emergency or ongoing services, we can offer our collective love through support with:
-short term meals
-rides for medical appointments
-check-ins / for those who feel isolated
-cards for celebrations as well as hardships
-connection for those going through a difficult time
Because it is sometimes difficult to ask for help, the Caring Ministry relies upon our entire congregation to identify and communicate the needs of our parishioners. We work with Rev. Diane in confidence, to coordinate care.
If you, or if you know of anyone needing help, please reach out to Linda Manglesdorf or Rev. Diane, please contact: aa.uucrt@gmail.com or info.uucrt@gmail.com
Pastoral Care
Rev. Diane Diachishin is available to offer pastoral care for people who are struggling with loss, grief, or other challenges. Pastoral care differs from therapy or counseling in that it does not attempt to fix problems or address mental health issues. Rather, it provides a loving, accepting, hopeful presence, and, in doing so, makes it easier for people to get in touch with their own inner wisdom and strength. Most of all, pastoral care is simply being present for you. It brings the love and care of our entire congregation to those in need.
Contact Rev. Diane aa.uucrt@gmail.com or info.uucrt@gmail.com if you, or you know of someone who might benefit from pastoral care.
Stewardship & Finance Ministry
The Stewardship and Finance Ministry would like you to be aware of the following tax planning strategy that may allow you to support the UUCRT and save money on your next tax return. The UUCRT does not intend to give specific tax advice. As with any financial information, you should consult your tax planning and investment teams to determine
the best course of action for your situation.'
Qualified Charitable Distribution (QCD)
Who should consider making a qualified charitable distribution to the UUCRT? Individuals who are required to take annual distributions from their pre-tax Individual Retirement Accounts (IRA) should read on. Anyone over 70½ is eligible to make a qualified charitable distribution (QCD). Why consider? These required minimum distributions (RMDs) are taxable as ordinary income and thus will increase your adjusted gross income and perhaps your overall tax bracket. To offset the tax impact of RMDs, consider donating funds from your IRA directly to the UUCRT, a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization qualified to receive such donations.
Generally, taxpayers can elect to transfer up to $105,000 (which increased in 2024) annually from their IRA directly to charity. By making a QCD, you eliminate income taxes on the amount donated regardless of whether you itemize or take the standard deduction. Unlike other charitable deductions, QCDs reduce your Adjusted Gross Income (AGI). This is important because your AGI is a factor in many other tax calculations, so reducing it can also reduce your Social Security taxes and Medicare premiums, increase your medical expense deductions, and help you qualify for certain tax credits. information from 2023 IRS newsletter IR-2023-215)
--Your Stewardship and Finance Ministry Alan Horne, SueAnn Peck and Linda Mangelsdorf
Social Action Ministry
Let’s keep our values alive in the world! Have some ideas? Join us as we jumpstart our mission into 2025. Contact Nancy or Nan
Video/Social Media Project
The UUCRT Board, in conjunction with Elizabeth Mehling, will produce a short video for our website and social media platforms to highlight why people visit and then decide to make UUCRT their spiritual home. Members and Friends are asked to think about their responses, and if so moved, to speak with Elizabeth or Nan. Elizabeth will set up her camera and recording devices on particular Sundays in Jan-Feb (TBD).
Soul Matters
Sanctuary Group meets the second Friday of each month at 2:30pm.
Men’s Breakfast Group Meets on January 18
Join Markly and Jim, and others, for breakfast on Sat. January 18 at 9 am in the Alexis Diner, Newburgh, corner of Rt 9W and 52.
This is a time for fellowship and conversation. They look forward to getting together on what has become a monthly event.
Orange County Psychic Experiences
The Orange County Psychic Experiences Group is planning to meet on Saturday, Jan 18th 1:30 to 4:30pm at the UUCRT, 9 Vance Rd., Rock Tavern, NY. Doors open at 1:30pm for anyone who would like to come early and help set up.
The group will share spiritual or metaphysical experiences, discuss any upcoming events of interest, break for refreshments and reconvene for a group meditation to send out positive energy to ourselves, each other and the universe. We ask for a donation (suggested $5) to
cover the use of the building and coffee/tea/supplies. Everyone is welcome to bring refreshments to share, if they wish.
In the event of inclement weather that causes us to cancel, we will send out an email as soon as we make that decision.
Until then......Happy Holidays !!!!
Hope to see you there !
Thank you,
Brian Herbst
Excerpts from 3 Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Speeches
Excerpts from 3 speeches that will inspire us to be better humans as well as learning little known facts about the man. (He was the best jitterbugger in his high school!)
***Important Changes
To join using computer, tablet or smartphone: https://zoom.us/j/94071188132
To join by phone:+1 929 205 6099 US Meeting ID: 940 7118 8132
Musical Prelude –“When Israel was in Egypt’s land”
Played by Hollis Kellogg
Opening Words – The black revolution is much more than a struggle for the rights of Negroes. It is forcing America to face all its interrelated flaws—racism, poverty, militarism, and materialism. It is exposing evils that are rooted deeply in the whole structure of our society. It reveals systemic rather than superficial flaws and suggests that radical reconstruction of society itself is the real issue to be faced. Dr. King
Opening Song – Dr. King’s favorite song
Take My Hand Precious Lord – Jim Reeves
Welcome and Announcements
Chalice Lighting – “The greatness of non-violent resistance is that even as [people are] faced with tyranny, and the resulting suffering, [we] respond to hate with love, to prejudice with tolerance, to arrogance with humility, to humiliation with dignity, and to violence with reason.” ―Liu Xia
Offering & Offertory
Time for All Ages – I Am Brave by Brad Meltzer
Sing the Children Out: As you Go
As you go may joy surround you, as you go may you grow, know our love is with you always, as you go, as you go.
Sharing of Joys & Sorrows
Moment of Silence – 2 Minutes
Sermon – Introduction by Donna Deming
Excerpts from Dr. King’s speeches
September 27, 1966: MLK—A riot is the language of the unheard 4:30
This is one of Dr. King’s most inspirational speeches. It sounds like he would have made a fine Unitarian. 4:57
This is his last speech, Dr. King was assassinated on April 4, 1968 at the tender age of 39. This speech was given at a Mason Temple in Memphis Tennessee on April 3. The Civil Rights Act was signed into law by President Johnson on April 11th. 1:14
Closing Song – #149 Lift every voice and sing
Closing Words - #732 Great Spirit of Light and Darkness
Closing Fellowship Circle
Extinguishing the Chalice – Extinguishing the Flame by Elizabeth Selle Jones
We extinguish this flame but not the Light of Truth,
The Warmth of Community, or the fire of Commitment.
These we carry in our hearts until we are together again.
Please join us for coffee and snacks in the Fellowship Hall after the service.
Worship Associate: Donna Deming
Zoom Host: Rose O’Neill
Musician: Hollis Kellogg
Join Us for Happy Hour: Fridays at 5pm
Thoughts from the Board
- Notes from the Board December 30, 2024
- President’s Message December 30, 2024
- Minister’s Message December 30, 2024
- Notes from the Board November 27, 2024
Community Postings
- Water Ceremony October 4, 2024
- Learn About Pollinators July 15, 2024
- Folk Guild Features The Whispering Tree May 11 May 8, 2024
- We Support Knights Out May 8, 2024