Stewardship & Finance Ministry
Greetings for the summer months! ‘Hot’ best describes what we’ve seen so far–90+ already, and at the time of this writing, Summer had not officially begun!
Our fiscal year has, as of July first, begun. With our pledge drive behind us, and members and friends generously supporting our ‘house on the hill’ to the best of our ability, let’s focus on the Stewardship side
of S&F.
Merriam Webster defines Stewardship as “the careful and responsible management of something entrusted to one’s care.” The ‘something’ referred to here, is, in our case, both physical and spiritual.
Regarding the physical, the building we ‘tend with care’ replaced the small double A Frame that was destroyed by fire in 2006.
Our generous Sanctuary and Fellowship Hall provide ample space for our weekly services and Religious Exploration classes, as well as Community events such as art exhibits, concerts and the monthly Hudson
Valley Folk Guild. During the week, the building serves the Birch School, offering an education style that matches our values to middle school and high school students in the area.
Rather than a creed, our spiritual values are expressed in aspirational principles. We strive to promote and affirm: the inherent worth and dignity of each person, as well as freedom and justice expressed through democratic words and deeds. Social and environmental concerns are paramount, as can be seen by other articles in this newsletter.
Stewardship of these principles involves mindfully supporting one another in our communication, care and outreach.
We look forward to 2024-25! May it be a ‘hot’ year for enthusiastic participation and growth!
Stewardship and Finance Ministry
Alan Horne, Linda Mangelsdorf and SueAnn Peck
2023 Pledge Drive
Throughout the turbulent year just passed, our Congregation has adapted. Many are using more internet than ever before! As we have no clear knowledge of the future, our April Pledge Drive will, again, be a virtual event.
This is our opportunity to show our gratitude. To give back financially to the best of our ability, and to do our part to ensure the ongoing presence of
the UUCRT in the Hudson Valley.
This year’s Pledge Drive runs from April 1 – 25 in order to prepare and distribute the proposed budget before our May 17 Annual Congregational Meeting. Thank you for using this form to indicate your generous support for the financial future of the UUCRT.
2020 Pledge Drive
Due to COVID-19, the Pledge Drive Luncheon was cancelled for this year. To make your pledge, an option has been added to the WebPay page of our website or you can find it under the DONATE tab.
2019 Pledge Drive
On April 14, 2019, a “Soup-er” Lunch was served in the Fellowship Hall, as members gathered to consider the future of the Congregation at the Annual Pledge Drive. Food and fellowship followed by budgetary information with Q & A from our Treasurer, Alan Horne, rounded out the day.