Unitarian Univeralist Congregation Rock Tavern
Religious Exploration Ministry
In October our RE teacher Mrs. Bernie and the children will be exploring the practice of Deep Listening: Listening to the Wisdom Within, Listening to the Un-Listened To, Listening to Nature, and Listening to Those We Disagree With.
Deep Listening brings us into the realm of compassion by helping us hear others without judgement and enabling us to listen to the calls of our own hearts.
Deep listening is a social justice practice. It invites us to listen to those whose voices are often marginalized, thereby enabling us to view the world differently and to call others to do the same.
We can’t wait to see and hear more about how the children engage with this important topic. Many fun and purposeful games, songs, picture-books, and arts and crafts await them!
A tremendous amount of thanks goes to Mrs. Bernie, and all of our other RE-volunteers, who help ensure the children can explore and grow in a safe, loving environment here at UUCRT.
--Michelle DiLorenzo RE Chair
UU Hikers
The UUCRT hikers, an informal group of outdoor enthusiasts, takes a break on its spirit animal, a large tortoise, during its September hike at the Pleasure Ground in the Village of Montgomery.
The October hike will be on Oct. 18 at 11 am in Beacon in the Madame Brett Park, 550 South Ave. Interested in occasional hikes with UU friends?
Contact Jan Kinney or Rose O’Neill.
Social Action Ministry
UU the Vote is a bold initiative created by the Unitarian Universalist Association’s Side With Love team, providing UUs an opportunity to bring our democratic values to life in the crucial struggle to build a genuine multiracial democracy.
UU the Vote engages people in voter registration, issue education, get-out-the-vote drives, voter protection, state leadership development, and more.
UUCRT has chosen to Get Out The Vote by writing postcards to voters in Presidential Swing States and competitive NYS legislative districts. (NY 17,18,19).
It’s easy. We provide postcards, messages and voter lists. You write the postcards and return to us for mailing. Our Social Action Ministry has set a target of sending 1000 postcards by Oct 24 so WE NEED YOU!!!!
See Sue Ann, Nancy or Nan on Sundays.
UUCRT Gallery to Feature Donna Hanley in November
ROCK TAVERN – A “second chance” will find life and light in canvases on the walls of the Unitarian Universalist Congregation at Rock Tavern this November.
That’s when the UUCRT features the paintings of Donna Sayers Hanley. The public is invited to an opening artist reception on Saturday, Nov. 9, from 2 to 4 p.m. The canvases you will see displayed on the walls of the UUCRT Sanctuary are not simply a reflection of Donna’s creative talents. They also represent a personal triumph for her. A near-fatal stroke years ago changed her life dramatically.
Fortunately, perseverance, hard work, and a sincere desire to make the most of her “second chance” enabled her to recover almost completely. It also helped rekindle her longstanding passion for art and is, in part, responsible for her decision to exhibit her artwork publicly on occasion.
Donna is extremely pleased to share her work with you and she hopes you enjoy it. Formally schooled as a Graphic Artist, Donna received her Bachelor of Fine Arts degree from the School of Visual Arts in New York City. Her work in one medium often influences her work in another as when, for example, her photos serve as the subjects for her paintings.
Donna normally focuses on working in oil colors, the medium she loves best. However, her long association with fellow artists from the Wallkill River Center for the Arts, especially her neighbor, friend, and mentor Vicki O’Neill, has also enabled her to refine her artistic abilities in a variety of other mediums as well.
The UUCRT is located at 9 Vance Road in the New Windsor hamlet of Rock Tavern. For further information, please contact Mike Landrum at mikelandrum1@icloud.com.
We Love Movies!
Movie Club - We Love Movies! We meet the first Thursday of the month at 7 pm. via Zoom
On Thursday, Oct 3 at 7 pm, we will discuss American Fiction which is available on Amazon Prime. The main character, Monk, is a Black novelist who is disgusted with the public’s insistence on writing that is stereotypical and to him embarrassing. He uses a pen name to write that kind of novel, as a joke, but finds himself admired and possibly rich.
Use the Zoom link below.
Meeting ID: 966 3436 4686 Passcode: educate.
Join by phone: 1 929 205 6099 Meeting ID: 966 3436 4686 Passcode: 828269
We Love Books!
Book Club - We Love Books!
We meet the 3rd Thursday of the month at 7 pm via Zoom.
On Thursday, October 17, the group will discuss The Kingdom, the Power and the Glory by Tim Alberta. Subtitled American Evangelicals in the Age of Extremism, Alberta, a Christian and son of an evangelical preacher, explains “how it’s justified individually, framed scripturally, and blared over pulpits in support of hyper-conservative political candidates” according to Publisher’s Weekly reviewers.
Join us via the Zoom link below or in the weekly e-Blast.
Meeting ID: 966 3436 4686 Passcode: educate
Join by phone: 1 929 205 6099
Meeting ID: 966 3436 4686 Passcode: 8282691
On Thursday, Nov. 21, Abraham Verghese’s 2009 bestseller Cutting for Stone was selected for discussion. Reviewers praise the character development and superbly plotted story as it includes detailed and accurate medical information. Set in Ethiopia and the U.S., the intricacies of human relationships carry us through the life journeys of twin brothers.
Join us via the Zoom link below or in the weekly e-Blast.
Meeting ID: 966 3436 4686 Passcode: educate
Join by phone: 1 929 205 6099
Meeting ID: 966 3436 4686 Passcode: 8282691
On Thursday, Dec. 19, we will meet via Zoom to discuss One Summer: America 1927 by Bill Bryson. Bill Bryson can turn history into a fun and educational romp. Taking the many varied, important and not so important events of one summer, he weaves a fascinating story that hold your attention to the final page.
Join us via the Zoom link below or in the weekly e-Blast.
Meeting ID: 966 3436 4686 Passcode: educate
Join by phone: 1 929 205 6099
Meeting ID: 966 3436 4686 Passcode: 8282691
Speaking Shakespeare: An Actor Remembers
ROCK TAVERN – Did you ever, in your youth, have a passion that the realities of life forced aside but the dream still lived? Meet Mike Landrum.
He will be performing some of William Shakespeare’s speeches Saturday, Oct. 26 from 2 to 4 p.m. at the Unitarian Universalist Congregation at Rock Tavern.
As a young actor in college, Mike became enamored by the work of Shakespeare and felt fortunate to receive training to make his language come alive.
For five years or so, as a student in three schools, he memorized some of the bard’s speeches, with the goal of performing someday at one of the repertory companies devoted to the classics.
However, the jungles of Viet Nam (the U.S. Army), the rigors of an acting career, work as a speechwriter and coach, among other professions, pushed that passion aside.
Although he had a successful career as an actor – performing on and off Broadway, on television and in many commercials – he never had that classical career he dreamed of. “Now, in my elder years I find these great speeches still live in my memory and beg for expression.” Mike relates. “So, I’d like to share them with you now. Thank you for listening."
Mike will also provide introductory remarks and music will be provided by noted pianist Hollis Kellogg. The Unitarian Universalist Congregation at Rock Tavern is located at 9 Vance Road in the New Windsor hamlet of Rock Tavern.
For further information, call or text Mike Landrum at 917-647-7893.
Membership Ministry
We held a brunch for young families; two new families that had planned to come had to cancel at the last minute, but we are hopeful they will come to our building in the near future. The others-new, who came had a good time and bonded with each other and the members there.
Caring Ministry
What we do! The Caring Ministry provides short-term, physical help to individuals and families within our congregation who are in need. While we cannot offer emergency or ongoing services, we can offer our collective love through support with:
-short term meals
-rides for medical appointments
-check-ins / for those who feel isolated
-cards for celebrations as well as hardships
-connection for those going through a difficult time
Because it is sometimes difficult to ask for help, the Caring Ministry relies upon our entire congregation to identify and communicate the needs of our parishioners. We work with Rev. Diane in confidence, to coordinate care.
If you, or if you know of anyone needing help, please reach out to Linda Manglesdorf or Rev. Diane, please contact: aa.uucrt@gmail.com or info.uucrt@gmail.com
Rev. Diane Diachishin to Offer Pastoral Care
Stewardship & Finance Ministry
It has been an unusually beautiful summer and early fall. Despite vacations, our Sunday Services Ministry (SSM) was able to keep the calendar filled with services that were consistently very well attended! A huge Thank You to the SSM, and Thanks also to all who show up—-with special gratitude to those who bring their children!
Our grown up congregation is delighted by the presence of youngsters!
Many thanks, too, for the consistent donations to the collection plate and payment of pledges. Some folks are labeling the envelopes now provided just inside the Sanctuary door to make cash donations toward their pledge, or for a special purpose such as a contribution to the Minister’s Discretionary fund, a specific social action program, or the mortgage.. We hope you find this helpful and to each of you, we say a resounding Thank You!
Like many post-pandemic small congregations, our Board of Trustees has purchased a very large screen TV. It is mounted high on the wall so it can be easily seen, and has a myriad of 21st Century features—-such as closed captions large enough to read and access to a sign language avatar. Our talented Media Team has barely scratched the surface of its capabilities!
So Come, and Bring A Friend to join us as we augment our live speaker programs and access meaningful sermons from around the world!
It has been said that a lot of people ‘out there’ are Unitarian-Universalists—-they just don’t know it yet! Let’s introduce them!
With gratitude and excitement for the future,
Your Stewardship and Finance Ministry
Alan Horne, SueAnn Peck and Linda Mangelsdorf
The Orange County Psychic Experiences Group meets this Saturday 10/19
Video Sermon: Agreeing to Disagree
“Agreeing to Disagree” by Reverend Carlton Pearson , All Souls Unitarian of Tulsa Oklahoma.
This sermon took place Nov 27 2022. Reverend Pearson addresses communicating and getting along socially , in relationships and politically.
Rev. Carlton Pearson is the subject of the book and movie Come … read more.
Would you like more information?
***Important Changes
To join using computer, tablet or smartphone: https://zoom.us/j/94071188132
To join by phone:+1 929 205 6099 US Meeting ID: 940 7118 8132
Inviting Bell
Prelude – Hollis Kellogg
Opening Words – #434
Welcome and Announcements
Chalice Lighting #459
Opening Song – Forgiveness by Mathew West
Offering and Offertory
Time for All Ages -
Sing the Children Out: As you Go
As you go may joy surround you, as you go may you grow, know our love is
with you always, as you go, as you go.
Sharing of Joys and Sorrows
Moment of Silence – 2 Minutes
Spirit of Life #123
Sermon What is our Relationship with Forgiveness? Offered by Jaye Moyer
Closing Song 'Building a New Way' - UUSGU Virtual Choir
Closing Words - Words by Daviid Whyte from Consolation
Closing Fellowship Circle
Extinguishing the Chalice – Extinguishing the Flame by Elizabeth Selle Jones
We extinguish this flame but not the Light of Truth,
The Warmth of Community, or the fire of Commitment.
These we carry in our hearts until we are together again.
Please join us for coffee and snacks in the Fellowship Hall after the service.
Worship Associate: Marcia Westra
Media Host: Rose O’Neill
Musician: Hollis Kellog
Join Us for Happy Hour: Fridays at 5pm
Pop in weekly and say hello!!
Meeting ID: 991 8650 8662 Passcode: visit. Join by phone: 1 929 205 6099 Meeting ID: 991 8650 8662 Passcode: 762682
Thoughts from the Board
- Notes from the Board October 2, 2024
- President’s Message October 2, 2024
- Minister’s Message October 2, 2024
- Notes from the Board September 2, 2024
Community Postings
- Water Ceremony October 4, 2024
- Learn About Pollinators July 15, 2024
- Folk Guild Features The Whispering Tree May 11 May 8, 2024
- We Support Knights Out May 8, 2024