Unitarian Univeralist Congregation Rock Tavern
Wonder who we are? Play this 3 min video!
Religious Exploration Ministry
February's theme in our children's program, Religious Exploration (RE), is The Practice of Inclusion.
Description from the Soul Matter's team:
"Inclusion can be a challenging word/concept for some children. So, in all of our sessions this month, we make it more kid-friendly and developmentally appropriate by getting at it with the idea of people and things that get 'left out'... This month, at its core, is about noticing and feeling the pain that comes from being left out and unseen."
Another important note this month from our RE curriculum creators: "February, as we all know, is Black History Month. We engaged this in a particular and deliberate way. We did not restrict Black History
Month to just one session since our faith calls us to lift up racial oppression all the time. Instead, we wove engagement with Black History throughout all of this month's sessions."
Ms. Bernie and the children will explore "The Practice of Inclusion" with the following sessions:
Session One: The Practice of Not Leaving People Out,
Session Two: The Practice of Not Leaving Stories Out, and
Session Three: The Practice of Not Leaving Love for Ourselves Out.
The last Sunday of this month, and every month, willcontinue to be an unstructured "RE Play Day".
Hope you can join us!
Michelle DiLorenzo, RE Chair
We Love Movies!
We meet on the first Thursday of the month at 7 pm. via Zoom.
For our February 6 discussion, we have selected The Hitchhiker, which is available for free with an Amazon Prime membership. Two fishermen pick up an escaped convict who tells them he will kill them when the ride is over. Directed by Ida Lupino, this is an early example of film noir.
Use the Zoom link below or on the uucrt.org website to join the discussion.
Meeting ID: 966 3436 4686 Passcode: educate
Join by phone: 1 929 205 6099
Meeting ID: 966 3436 4686 Passcode: 8282691
We Love Books!
We meet the 3rd Thursday of the month at 7 pm via Zoom.
On Thursday, February 20, North Woods by Daniel Mason was chosen for our discussion. “A house in the Massachusetts woods becomes home to a succession of characters across the centuries, each with their own story of love, madness and mystery.” Join us for a discussion of this acclaimed novel.
On Thursday, March 20, Island at the Center of the World by Russell Shorto has been selected for our discussion. The author will be a guest at the annual Moffat Library’s Authors’ Luncheon on April 6. Subtitled “The Epic Story of Dutch Manhattan and the Forgotten Colony that Shaped America”, this book “uncovers a lost world and offers surprising new perspectives on our own”. We would welcome your opinions.
Use the Zoom link below to join the discussion.
Meeting ID: 966 3436 4686 Passcode: educate
Join by phone: 1 929 205 6099
Meeting ID: 966 3436 4686 Passcode: 8282691
Inclement Weather Information
If inclement weather forces the UUCRT to cancel services, a notice will be sent via eBlast Sunday morning. No notice will be posted on the website.
Social Action Ministry
Let’s keep our values alive in the world! Have some ideas? Join us as we jumpstart our mission into 2025. Contact Nancy or Nan
Caring Ministry
What we do! The Caring Ministry provides short-term, physical help to individuals and families within our congregation who are in need. While we cannot offer emergency or ongoing services, we can offer our collective love through support with:
-short term meals
-rides for medical appointments
-check-ins / for those who feel isolated
-cards for celebrations as well as hardships
-connection for those going through a difficult time
Because it is sometimes difficult to ask for help, the Caring Ministry relies upon our entire congregation to identify and communicate the needs of our parishioners. We work with Rev. Diane in confidence, to coordinate care.
If you, or if you know of anyone needing help, please reach out to Linda Manglesdorf or Rev. Diane, please contact: aa.uucrt@gmail.com or info.uucrt@gmail.com
Pastoral Care
Rev. Diane Diachishin is available to offer pastoral care for people who are struggling with loss, grief, or other challenges. Pastoral care differs from therapy or counseling in that it does not attempt to fix problems or address mental health issues. Rather, it provides a loving, accepting, hopeful presence, and, in doing so, makes it easier for people to get in touch with their own inner wisdom and strength. Most of all, pastoral care is simply being present for you. It brings the love and care of our entire congregation to those in need.
Contact Rev. Diane aa.uucrt@gmail.com or info.uucrt@gmail.com if you, or you know of someone who might benefit from pastoral care.
Stewardship & Finance Ministry
Can Spring be far behind? We certainly hope so, and hope is central to each day!
This frosty February finds us looking forward to many things in our own life and also in the life of this, our Faith Community.
For many of us, coming to the UUCRT provides a respite from the busy—ness of the world. We treasure the connections, conversations, and comfort we find here. And we don’t always see eye to eye about everything. Here we can differ and discuss, knowing that each of us holds the other in a place of respect and caring. We can agree to disagree—and often do. Adherence to our Covenant binds us together.
One thing we agree on, though, is the necessity of keeping our doors open. Here, in this place, we boldly stand for love, learning as we go to deepen our connections with ourselves and with one another. No one tells us what to believe or how to live our lives. The Principles upon which Unitarian Universalism is based are time honored, as well as currently updated. What does not change is the
central core belief that Love is at the heart of all we do.
We can ‘do’ because our friends and members give generously of their Time, Talent and Treasure. Again, there are no ‘Musts’ or ‘Shoulds’. It is a fact that we have for decades been an ‘honor congregation’ member of the UU Association that binds us together. No matter our local circumstances—and they have sometimes been dire —- our ‘Little
Congregation That Could’ has found a way to be give our Fair Share—roughly $100 for each member—in return for support, inspiration and materials such as the beautiful Soul Matters curriculum used by Rev. Diane in small groups and Ms. Bernie with our growing (!!!) Religious Exploration program.
And so, we ask for a Pledge from friends and members—-knowing that for some $100/year is such a stretch that it just doesn’t work… Fortunately, others are able to pledge enough dollars that we grow in community. And while Treasure—dollars, that is—is important, it is only one leg of the ‘Trinity’ that supports our faith. The giving of Time— showing up to make coffee, set up tables and chairs, tend the
building inside and out—-is essential, as the sharing of Talent—-and here at the UU YOU may discover talents you didn’t know you had!
Serving on a Ministry (we don’t call them Committees because of the deeper connections and growth we experience here)—anyone—member or friend can serve. There are enough Ministries that surely each of us can find a place to get involved. Ministry Chairs are members who can help guide the newer members as we explore together the true meaning of service.
This is background, folks. In March and April we will conduct a Pledge Drive. It is a time to explore and consider how each of us can add to the whole. More about that later.
With gratitude and love,
--Alan Horne, SueAnn Peck and Linda Mangelsdorf
Stewardship and Finance Ministry.
Welcoming Committee
We are thrilled to announce that UUCRT will welcome a new member, Anne D’Amore in March.
If you have been attending for a while and are curious about membership, please contact Jim Tarvin or Markly Wilson.
Social Action Ministry
Let’s keep our values alive in the world! Have some ideas? Join us as we jumpstart our mission into 2025. Contact Nancy or Nan
Orange County Psychic Experiences
The Orange County Psychic Experiences Group is planning to meet on Saturday, Feb 15, 1:45 to 4:30pm at the UUCRT, 9 Vance Rd., Rock Tavern, NY. Doors open at 1:30pm for anyone who
would like to come early and help set up.
The group will share spiritual or metaphysical experiences, discuss any upcoming events of interest, break for refreshments and reconvene for a group meditation to send out positive energy to ourselves, each other and the universe. We ask for a donation (suggested $5) to cover the use of the building and coffee/tea/supplies. Everyone is welcome to bring refreshments to share, if they wish.
In the event of inclement weather that causes us to cancel, we will send out an email as soon as we make that decision.
Hope to see you there!
Thank you,
Brian Herbst
Hudson Valley Folk Guild to host Jim Pospisil Feb. 15
Jim Pospisil is a singer-songwriter and multi-instrumentalist from the Hudson Valley whose songs are marked by well crafted, sometimes quirky lyrics and themes from the personal to the profound. A mix of folk, blues, rock and more, his performances on
guitar, mandolin, flute and harmonica can be soft and subtle, or wild and energetic. He blends it all with a wry sense of humor. His goal is to make you
laugh, cry, or think. Sometimes all at once.
He has released five solo albums and is currently preparing the next one, “Hidden Motifs” due out late Spring 2025.
The Rock Tavern Chapter of the Hudson Valley Folk Guild Coffeehouse meets Sat. Feb 8 at the UUCRT, 9 Vance Road, Rock Tavern.
Signup begins at 7 and open mic begins at 7:30. The featured performance is expected to begin at approximately 8:30. Admission is $7, $6 members and seniors.
Video/Social Media Project
The UUCRT Board, in conjunction with Elizabeth Mehling, will produce a short video for our website and social media platforms to highlight why people visit and then decide to make UUCRT their spiritual home. Members and Friends are asked to think about their responses, and if so moved, to speak with Elizabeth or Nan. Elizabeth will set up her camera and recording devices on particular Sundays in Jan-Feb (TBD).
Soul Matters
Sanctuary Group will meet on Friday, Feb 14 at 2.30 pm
New Zoom Group on Wednesday, February 12 at 7pm
Contact Rev Diane for more information.
Taking care of Principles 2,5 & 6
Taking care of Principles 2,5 &6 which have been under attack since the election.
***Important Changes
To join using computer, tablet or smartphone: https://zoom.us/j/94071188132
To join by phone:+1 929 205 6099 US Meeting ID: 940 7118 8132
Inviting Bell
Prelude – Hollis Kellogg
Opening Words – Love Channel by Danna Fauldes
Opening Music – “All Are Welcome Here”
by Lea Morris (UU Cedar Rapids, IA)
Welcome and Announcements
Chalice Lighting
Welcoming the Stranger
A child journeys far from home, fearful and brave,
In need of safe harbor.
Guided by this chalice, may we seek to understand the causes of flight.
Like the comfort of a candle flickering in a window of darkness,
Let us welcome this child into our home
With warmth, nourishment and love
Would we not want the same for our own child,
Lost and alone in a strange land?
Time for All Ages – Marcia Westra Sing the Children Out: “As you Go”
As you go may joy surround you, as you go may you grow, know our love is
with you always, as you go, as you go.
Sharing of Joys and Sorrows
Moment of Silence – 2 Minutes
Sermon – “Beyond Welcome” by Rev. Joanna Lubkin, presented by Donna Deming
Closing Song – “We Are”
Closing Words - 692
Closing Fellowship Circle
Extinguishing the Chalice – Extinguishing the Flame by Elizabeth Selle Jones
We extinguish this flame but not the Light of Truth,
The Warmth of Community, or the fire of Commitment.
These we carry in our hearts until we are together again.
Worship Associate: Jaye Moyer
Media Host: Elizabeth Mehling
Musician: Hollis Kellogg
Time for All Ages Marcia Westra
Join Us for Happy Hour: Fridays at 5pm

Monthly Newsletter
Click here to read our latest Newsletter - the UUCRT Chalice Light
Thoughts from the Board
- Notes from the Board January 29, 2025
- President’s Message January 29, 2025
- Minister’s Message January 29, 2025
- Notes from the Board December 30, 2024
Community Postings
- Members Rally in Albany for Stalled NY Health Act, Medicare For All Bill H.R. 1976 February 1, 2025
- Water Ceremony October 4, 2024
- Learn About Pollinators July 15, 2024
- Folk Guild Features The Whispering Tree May 11 May 8, 2024