
This Week's Service

What is a Unitarian?

A sermon on how Unitarian Universalists accept, embrace and believe that the human family is one. However, unity does not come from beliefs in uniformity.
In person and Zoom

***Important Changes

To join using computer, tablet or smartphone:  https://zoom.us/j/94071188132  

To join by phone:+1 929 205 6099 US Meeting ID: 940 7118 8132

Sunday Service at Rock Tavern UU, March 23, 2025 at 10:30 am (In person and Zoom)
Inviting Bell
Musical Prelude

Opening Words – #463

Opening Song – #134 Our World in One World

Welcome and Announcements

Chalice Lighting – We hallow this time together by kindling the lamp of our heritage.

Offering & Offertory

Time for All Ages – My Name is Sangoel by Karen Williams

Sing the Children Out:  As you Go

As you go may joy surround you, as you go may you grow, know our love is with you always, as you go, as you go.

Sharing of Joys & Sorrows

Moment of Silence – 2 Minutes

Sermon    The Ploughshare Prayer – Welcoming the Stranger 

Closing Song – #131 Love Will Guide Us

Closing Words #698

Closing Fellowship Circle 

Extinguishing the Chalice – Extinguishing the Flame by Elizabeth Selle Jones

We extinguish this flame but not the Light of Truth,

The Warmth of Community, or the fire of Commitment.

These we carry in our hearts until we are together again.


Please join us for coffee and snacks in the Fellowship Hall after the service.


Worship Associate:  Marcia Westra
Zoom Hosts: Elizabeth Mehling, Evan O’Brien   

Join Us for Happy Hour: Fridays at 5pm

We’ll meet for our weekly Friday happy hour and join together to celebrate our fellowship and friendship. Make yourself a cocktail, a cup of hot chocolate or pour a glass of your favorite. Pop in weekly and say hello!! https://zoom.us/j/99186508662?pwd=NWhQR2g1YmQvNVMrcDRtYnlBN25NZz09 Meeting ID: 991 8650 8662 Passcode: visit. Join by phone: 1 929 205 6099 Meeting ID: 991 8650 8662 Passcode: 762682   ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~  
Monthly Newsletter

Monthly Newsletter

Click here to read our latest Newsletter - the UUCRT Chalice Light

Thoughts from the Board

Community Postings

**Community Postings are listings of  local events that Members either support or are involved in. While they may be of interest to Members and Friends, they are not necessarily endorsed by the UUCRT.

Please Check Doors Before Leaving

This is a friendly reminder to all congregants and friends who may be in our 9 Vance Road building alone or in groups. If you are the last one out, please, before leaving, check all exit doors, even ones you have not used, by physically pushing them out to ensure that the latch is engaged. Often, the doors appear to be closed but the latch has not been engaged.

We Are Unitarian Universalists

We saw this video at our Nov. semi-annual meeting /service and many requested that it be featured on our website. Please copy and paste the link below to access “We Are Unitarian Universalists”.