Unitarian Univeralist Congregation Rock Tavern
Wonder who we are? Play this 3 min video!
Death Café Discussion March 23 after Services
Rebecca O’Brien
Religious Exploration Ministry
The theme Ms. Bernie and the children will explore together in Religious Exploration (RE) this March is The Practice of Trust.

From the Soul Matters Curriculum creators: "We begin our exploration of trust by looking at what it means to trust ourselves and how we can support those voices in our heads that say, 'I can do it' and 'I can face hard things.' We will talk about self confidence and how we each have unique special strengths (“superpowers”) we can rely on." In addition to the session on "Trusting Ourselves", they will also talk about "Trusting Others", "Trusting Life", and "Fixing Broken Trust".

This month's theme continues our deep dive into exploring practices that help us embody our UU faith’s core value of liberating love in our daily lives.
Hope you and your kids can join us!
Michelle, RE Chair
March 30 Sunday Forum to Discuss Political Advocacy
We Love Movies!
We meet on the first Thursday of the month at 7 pm. via Zoom.
For our March 6 discussion, we have selected Shirley which is available on Netflix. This is a biopic about Shirley Chisholm, the first Black woman elected to Congress and her 1972 race to be the Democratic candidate running for the presidency. Join us.
Use the Zoom link below or on the uucrt.org website to join the discussion.
Meeting ID: 966 3436 4686 Passcode: educate
Join by phone: 1 929 205 6099
Meeting ID: 966 3436 4686 Passcode: 8282691
Sing Sing, the Movie
FYI The movie group is planning a Sunday afternoon showing of Sing Sing, the 2024 movie about the prison’s Rehabilitation through the Arts program, (RTA) starring Colman Domingo. The person portrayed by Coleman was incarcerated, serving time for a crime he did not commit. As the lead in this movie, he has been nominated for an Academy Award for a performance by an actor in a leading role. Watch for the announcement of this showing later this spring.
We Love Books!
We meet on the 3rd Thursday of the month at 7 pm via Zoom.
On Thursday, March 20, Island at the Center of the World by Russell Shorto was selected for our discussion. The author will be a guest at the annual Moffat Library’s Authors’ Luncheon on April 6. Subtitled “The Epic Story of Dutch Manhattan and the Forgotten Colony that Shaped America”, this book “uncovers a lost world and offers surprising new perspectives on our own”.
Use the Zoom link below to join the discussion.
Meeting ID: 966 3436 4686 Passcode: educate
Join by phone: 1 929 205 6099
Meeting ID: 966 3436 4686 Passcode: 8282691
Inclement Weather Information
If inclement weather forces the UUCRT to cancel services, a notice will be sent via eBlast Sunday morning. No notice will be posted on the website.
Social Action Ministry
The Work of Citizenship: Of late, congressional switchboards have been flooded with calls. If you would like to add your thoughts on any topic, here is a link that will provide you with the names, addresses, phone numbers and email addresses of all members of Congress. https://www.congress.gov/
Let’s keep our values alive in the world! Have some ideas? Join us as we jumpstart our mission into 2025. Contact Nancy or Nan
Caring Ministry
What we do! The Caring Ministry provides short-term, physical help to individuals and families within our congregation who are in need. While we cannot offer emergency or ongoing services, we can offer our collective love through support with:
-short term meals
-rides for medical appointments
-check-ins / for those who feel isolated
-cards for celebrations as well as hardships
-connection for those going through a difficult time
Because it is sometimes difficult to ask for help, the Caring Ministry relies upon our entire congregation to identify and communicate the needs of our parishioners. We work with Rev. Diane in confidence, to coordinate care.
If you, or if you know of anyone needing help, please reach out to Linda Manglesdorf or Rev. Diane, please contact: aa.uucrt@gmail.com or info.uucrt@gmail.com
Pastoral Care
Rev. Diane Diachishin is available to offer pastoral care for people who are struggling with loss, grief, or other challenges. Pastoral care differs from therapy or counseling in that it does not attempt to fix problems or address mental health issues. Rather, it provides a loving, accepting, hopeful presence, and, in doing so, makes it easier for people to get in touch with their own inner wisdom and strength. Most of all, pastoral care is simply being present for you. It brings the love and care of our entire congregation to those in need.
Contact Rev. Diane aa.uucrt@gmail.com or info.uucrt@gmail.com if you, or you know of someone who might benefit from pastoral care.
Stewardship & Finance Ministry
UUCRT Annual Giving Campaign---2025-26
As promised, below is an expansion of last month’s discussion of why and how we gather and disperse our Treasure, the third leg of our UU ‘3 T’s’ (Time, Talent and Treasure). For more detailed information, Please join us for lunch on March 2,2025!
What’s it all about?
Each year members of the UUCRT are asked to pledge to fund the operating budget of the Congregation for the upcoming fiscal year. (July 1,2025-June 30, 2026). Budget items include paying for routine expenses, salaries, religious education, social justice projects, and other important items such as the mortgage, maintenance and membership dues to the UUA.
Who funds the budget?
We do!!! Ours is an independent congregation built on democratic principles, and all members accept the responsibility of contributing generously to the financial health of this spiritual home. This congregation provides a safe space for us to speak freely and work together for the things that are most important to us! Also gratefully accepted are financial contributions from Friends of the congregation!
Why Annual Giving?
As members we pledge to contribute all year long to the UUCRT to nourish our spiritual selves; to provide for our congregation and our community. This Annual Giving makes possible a place to gather, share our values, learn to live up to our aspirational UU principles; to help and love each other and receive love and help in return.
Our love and commitment, indeed our need for the connections we find in this congregation, informs our generosity. As we review the use of our financial treasures with our families, we also look to share with our congregation—joyfully, willingly, generously.
That is why we ask each of our members to make a financial commitment to the UUCRT. It is a promise, a pledge that is honored by you--and by all of us. It is a part of being a member or friend of this beloved community. Each person or family is responsible for arriving at their own definition of generosity. Peoples needs and circumstances differ….you decide.
From a congregational standpoint, this year we face the age-related maintenance of our building, as well as the challenges—emotional and uncertain-- of the situation in our world.
We strive to live and work together—to do our part to help preserve democracy.
During the month of March, services will include 2- 3 members briefly sharing with us all on this topic. After Rev. Diane’s service on March 2, what would normally be a potluck lunch will be a catered lunch provided by Stewardship and Finance Ministry. Childcare will be available while we have a period of information sharing, questions and answers, and as always, fellowship! See you then!
With love and gratitude,
The Stewardship and Finance Ministry
Alan Horne, SueAnn Peck and Linda Mangelsdorf
Welcoming Committee
We seem to be attracting more families with children. Many thanks to the congregation and especially those involved with Children’s RE to be a welcoming presence each Sunday.
If you have been attending for a while and are curious about membership, please contact Jim Tarvin or Markly Wilson.
NOTE: Pot Luck cancelled on March 2. Lunch being provided by Stewardship & Finance Ministry.
Join us as we welcome Anne D’Amore into membership in our congregation on March 2, 2025. Anne grew up in Salisbury Mills, NY and after two education excursions of four years in Montreal and Syracuse has returned to rejoin family, friends, community and employment opportunities offered here. She works for an international IT company as a real estate operations manager overseeing all 50+ locations in the Western Hemisphere, while concurrently working as co-operations manager for her household of five humans and one dog. Back when she had time for hobbies, one could find her cycling, hiking, camping, reading/watching sci-fi/ fantasy content or producing small batch homesteading projects (gardening, food preserving, baking, etc.)
Her initial goal for attending the UUCRT was to enhance her three young children’s RE experience without biasing them against religion, but was pleasantly surprised to find her own horizons expanded. UUs emphasis on valuing our environment holds primacy in her decision tobecome a member.
Video/Social Media Project
The UUCRT Board, in conjunction with Elizabeth Mehling, will produce a short video for our website and social media platforms to highlight why people visit and then decide to make UUCRT their spiritual home. Members and Friends are asked to think about their responses, and if so moved, to speak with Elizabeth or Nan. Elizabeth will set up her camera and recording devices on particular Sundays in Jan-Feb (TBD).
Soul Matters
Sanctuary Group will meet on Friday, March 14 at 2.30 pm
Zoom Group on Wednesday, March 12 at 7pm
Contact Rev Diane for more information.
UUCRT Delegation to Attend Knights Out Banquet on April 5; You Are Invited!

What is a Unitarian?
A sermon on how Unitarian Universalists accept, embrace and believe that the human family is one. However, unity does not come from beliefs in uniformity.
In person and Zoom
***Important Changes
To join using computer, tablet or smartphone: https://zoom.us/j/94071188132
To join by phone:+1 929 205 6099 US Meeting ID: 940 7118 8132
Opening Words – #463
Opening Song – #134 Our World in One World
Welcome and Announcements
Chalice Lighting – We hallow this time together by kindling the lamp of our heritage.
Offering & Offertory
Time for All Ages – My Name is Sangoel by Karen Williams
Sing the Children Out: As you Go
As you go may joy surround you, as you go may you grow, know our love is with you always, as you go, as you go.
Sharing of Joys & Sorrows
Moment of Silence – 2 Minutes
Sermon – The Ploughshare Prayer – Welcoming the Stranger
Closing Song – #131 Love Will Guide Us
Closing Words - #698
Closing Fellowship Circle
Extinguishing the Chalice – Extinguishing the Flame by Elizabeth Selle Jones
We extinguish this flame but not the Light of Truth,
The Warmth of Community, or the fire of Commitment.
These we carry in our hearts until we are together again.
Please join us for coffee and snacks in the Fellowship Hall after the service.
Worship Associate: Marcia Westra
Zoom Hosts: Elizabeth Mehling, Evan O’Brien
Join Us for Happy Hour: Fridays at 5pm

Monthly Newsletter
Click here to read our latest Newsletter - the UUCRT Chalice Light
Thoughts from the Board
- Notes from the Board February 27, 2025
- President’s Message February 27, 2025
- Minister’s Message February 27, 2025
- Notes from the Board January 29, 2025
Community Postings
- UUCRT Board Backs Knights Out on Disbanding of LGBTQ+ Affinity Group February 28, 2025
- Members Rally in Albany for Stalled NY Health Act, Medicare For All Bill H.R. 1976 February 1, 2025
- Water Ceremony October 4, 2024
- Learn About Pollinators July 15, 2024