Finding Pie in the Sky

Pie in the sky refers to being unrealistic when contemplating an enterprise or dreaming of prosperity that is extremely unlikely to ever come about. We will look at how the phrase originated in 1911, how it is related to religious beliefs, the positive and negative … read more.

Spotlight on our Speakers

Rev. Diane Diachishin graduated and was ordained by All Faiths Seminary in NYC in 2000. She taught music for 30+ years in private and public school systems. Diane has been an active member of the UUCRT for 25 years, wearing many hats. Diane considers herself a life￾long Unitarian. From the age of four, summer vacations were spent with her family and her Star Island community, at an ongoing retreat for UU’s of all ages, which still continues to be a source of renewal and inspiration for her. Diane is passionate about her family, playing music, hiking, and travel.

Mike Landrum. For those newcomers who may not know me, I am a Missouri Boy who disobeyed his father’s orders and ran off to join the circus. Shakespeare in
Repertory, called back from Canada to fight in Vietnam, came to NYC, acted on Stage and TV, finally became a father at 51, became a corporate trainer, speechwriter, Adjunct Professor. Joined this congregation in 1994, been trying to
help since then. Partnered with Etty Decker in 2017.

Hollis Kellogg joined the UUCRT in 1997. Since he was a pianist, he was immediately recruited to help with music. He loves to perform music he loves, and
also loves to talk. He has stayed with UUCRT through years of great change, and hopes to continue serving with music and presentations. Since 1997, he has given a variety of talks- new beginnings, Emerson, transcending differences, ethical eating, gun violence, and other issues. He is a retired Occupational Therapist, and lives alone with his cat, Merlin.

Keith Jordan has been involved with our congregation since the 1980’s and has been a member since 1994. He has held a variety of leadership positions in the
congregation. He has been a mental health professional for over 35 years and enjoys songwriting and gardening.

Bill Domanico is a past President and Vice President of the Board of Trustees. He has been a member of our congregation since 2008. He assisted in our food program and is on the Sunday Services Ministry. He occasionally enjoys giving a
more lighthearted service on a Sunday.