Notes from the Board

Notes from April 29, 2024 Board of Trustees meeting:

  • Sunday Services ministry reports that Rose is learning about live streaming.
  • Welcoming ministry reports that a spring brunch is being planned for young
    families with children.
  • Caring ministry suggested that a new men’s breakfast group be started.
  • Arts ministry reported that an art opening and a music concert are scheduled for May 18.
  • Social Action ministry reported that the 3rd Sunday collection will go to the World Central Kitchen.
  • Religious Education reported that the remodel of the Quiet Room is complete.
  • Communication ministry reported that John, Nan and Donna have a meeting scheduled to discuss our website.
  • Buildings & Grounds ministry is concerned about the flood damage.
  • Plans were made for the May 19 Congregational meeting.
  • Plans were made for a May 17 spring cleanup, motivated by the basement flood.
  • Next meeting is June 11 at 7pm. via Zoom.