Speaker: Keith Jordan

Finding Pie in the Sky

Pie in the sky refers to being unrealistic when contemplating an enterprise or dreaming of prosperity that is extremely unlikely to ever come about. We will look at how the phrase originated in 1911, how it is related to religious beliefs, the positive and negative … read more.

Seven Principles for Relationships

You know that there are seven UU principles, but did you know that there are also seven principles for having healthy relationships? Keith Jordan will be sharing about the principles described in Dr. John Gottman’s book, The 7 Principles for Making Marriage Work, and how applying … read more.

The Vision Thing

What Do We Envision for Our Future? Through the visioning process, we can see what our future “success” will look and feel like in our personal lives and as a congregation. The difference between vision and mission will be examined and we will explore what … read more.

Spirituality and Mental Health

Keith will present perspectives on ways that spirituality and mental health are interrelated and will examine the questions: how does one’s spirituality affect one’s mental health? How does one’s mental health affect one’s spirituality? When does one’s spirituality become mentally unhealthy?