Category: Minister’s Corner

Minister’s Message

The Gift of Mystery
Ralph Waldo Emerson is probably the most famous thinker of our Unitarian Universalist tradition, with the possible exception of his friend, Henry Thoreau. The key to Emerson’s thought is what we know of as our first source of our Unitarian Universalist living … read more.

Minister’s Message

The Gift of Generosity
“We all have, without exception, a very deep longing to give – to give to the earth, to give to others, to give to the society, to work, to love, to care for this earth… And so there’s a tremendous sorrow for … read more.

Minister’s Message

Living the Questions
Our flaming chalice light means different things to different people. It was purposely designed with a lack of clarity and intentionally left open to interpretation.
For example, what is the symbolism of the flaming chalice for you personally? If you have not reflected on … read more.

Four Priorities

   One of my priorities in this COVID time has been to provide quality Sunday meetings by experimenting with new technologies and building the capacity of the Sunday Service Ministry to provide virtual services. We are averaging 35 people connecting on Sunday mornings through GoToMeeting … read more.

Thank you

The congregation has not met for Sunday Services in the building at 9 Vance Road since March 8, yet Sunday Services have adapted and continued, and new forms of community connection have emerged. This is a remarkable achievement worthy of celebration! I am proud of … read more.

Preamble for the Pandemically Privileged

We, the pandemically privileged People of Planet Earth, in Order to form World Community, establish Distributive Justice, ensure Global Tranquility, provide for the Common Defense against COVID19, promote the General Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Health to all people on this Planet, do acknowledge … read more.

We Are In This Together

As your minister, I am
doing my best to adapt to the situation, endure and thrive amidst this hardship
and suffering, so that I can continue to affirm and promote the principles and
purposes of our religious community. 

Here are my top
priorities with regards to the UUCRT during … read more.

Responding to Coronavirus

Dear Members and Friends of the UUCRT:

In these unsettling times, I hope you can find some comfort in the knowledge that your UUCRT leadership is closely monitoring the situation and considering how to respond appropriately in order to protect the most vulnerable among us and … read more.

What Happened?

December 2016, I responded to an invitation from Chief Arvol Looking Horse,
19th Generation Keeper of White Buffalo Calf Pipe Bundle, Spiritual Leader of
the Lakota, Dakota, and Nakota Nations, to travel to Oceti Sakowin Camp of the
Standing Rock Reservation, on the banks of the Missouri … read more.