The current (2023-2024) Board of Trustees consists of:

President: Markly Wilson

Vice President: Nan Dempster

Secretary: SueAnn Peck

Treasurer: Alan Horne


      • Nancy Sears
      • Hollis Kellogg
      • Jim Tarvin

The Board of Trustees meets on the first Sunday of each month at 8:45 am.

The Board of Trustees consists of seven elective members including four officers (President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer) and three Trustees.

Officers are elected at the Annual Congregational Meeting in May to serve a one-year term from July through June. No more than three years may be served in one office during any six-year period. The President must have been a member for two full years.

Trustees are elected at the Annual Congregational Meeting in May to serve three-year terms. Trustees must be members of the Congregation prior to election and may be elected to no more than two consecutive terms. A Trustee completing an appointment of less than one year may still be elected to two consecutive terms. 

If you are interested in serving on the Board of Trustees or would like more information, please contact the Leadership Ministry at with LEADERSHIP in the subject line.