Author: Jay Beaumont

Final Fellowship for Rev. Chris Antal


At the Service of the Living Tradition, in Columbus Ohio, where Rev. Antal received Final Fellowship from the UUA. Celebrating with him were his sons, Justin and Eliot, Mike Landrum, and Camille and Terri Pahucki.

UUCRT Receives Congregational Peace Advocacy Award

Peace Ministry Network Chair, Mac Goekler, presented the Congregational Peace Advocacy Award to the Unitarian Universalist Congregation at Rock Tavern. Accepting The award was accepted by Rev. Chris Antal, Lay Commissioned Minister Terri Pahucki, her daughter, Camille, and delegates Mike Landrum and Linda Mangelsdorf.

Reports from the UUA General Assembly

Mike Landrum and Linda Mangelsdorf were UUCRT delegates at the annual UUA General Assembly in Columbus, OH June 23-26.  Rev. Chris Antal and Terri Pahucki were there for a day.

We proudly carried our beautiful UUCRT banner in the opening parade on Wednesday evening. All banners were hung around … read more.

Minister’s Message for July and August

I’m honored to serve my first full congregational year with you as your called and settled minister.

We have many achievements to celebrate, including the commissioning Terri Pahucki as a Lay Commissioned Minister, recognition of the UUCRT as a Peace Advocate Congregation, the distinction of UUCRT … read more.

From Our Newest Member: Jamie Cupolo – May 2016

Passion. I’m very excited to bring my gifts to the welcoming table.  I’ve already experienced a high degree of synchronicity here, and hope to grow in relationship with you. I’m a longtime member of the UU Community Church, NYC. I’ve practiced faiths from Native American, Buddhist, Hindu, … read more.