Month: March 2020

Think Beyond Family and Friends

those of us sequestered in our homes, we are challenged to do something
productive. That would include things we do to help family and friends, and
things we do to help ourselves. I’ll describe some of my efforts in both areas.
I am glad to have my brother … read more.

We Are In This Together

As your minister, I am
doing my best to adapt to the situation, endure and thrive amidst this hardship
and suffering, so that I can continue to affirm and promote the principles and
purposes of our religious community. 

Here are my top
priorities with regards to the UUCRT during … read more.

Responding to Coronavirus

Dear Members and Friends of the UUCRT:

In these unsettling times, I hope you can find some comfort in the knowledge that your UUCRT leadership is closely monitoring the situation and considering how to respond appropriately in order to protect the most vulnerable among us and … read more.