Author: Jay Beaumont

New Social Action Ministry Leader

From Verne M. Bell

We are so pleased to welcome Jamie Capach as our new leader, who will take over at our next meeting, Sunday, June 12, after the service.  This is a meeting open to all as we plan for the future.

Lay Minister’s Message – June 2016

“Simplicity, simplicity, simplicity!” declares Henry David Thoreau, penning his words after long saunters through the woods around Walden Pond. Our Transcendentalist ancestor enjoyed daily walks, alone or with companions, as an essential spiritual practice. He owned few possessions and lived the art of simplicity.

And yet, … read more.

From the Board of Trustees – June 2016

Words are powerful.  They are our primary source of communication. They express thought between people and, when chosen carefully, allow us to deepen our understanding of purpose, of emotion, of all that would otherwise be abstract.

We use words to define meaning.  And so, it is … read more.