Author: Jay Beaumont

Withdrawing from Relationship

As a community we have struggled in recent days to decide what is the right thing to do. We covenant to affirm and promote justice, equity and compassion in human relations. If we are morally serious about this covenant then we will inevitably struggle with … read more.

To Stand for Truth

This month we explore the theme of Truth.  In today’s society, to stand for truth can be somewhat counter cultural, but, I believe, also patriotic. This year’s UUA Common Read, Daring Democracy by Frances Moore Lappe and Adam Eichen, includes “fake news” as one of … read more.

Wimps Welcome

We sing about being a people so bold, but let’s face it, sometimes we just wimp out.

To wimp out is to be weak and cowardly or unadventurous. We all do it. If it becomes habit, then the behavior shapes our identity. Over time, if the … read more.

What Do You Believe?

What do you believe? Each one of us might answer this question differently.  The answers I gave ten years ago are not the same answers I give today. Faith for Unitarian Universalists is a continual evolving process, not a solid unchanging creed.

As a process, we … read more.

Examining Faith

Search google for “Unitarian Universalist faith” and you’ll find our principles and purposes at the top of the list. We like to say we have no creed, no dogma, yet we say we believe in seven principles. Is this our faith?

Faith is what gives us … read more.

The Desert Spaces of Our Lives

This semester I am taking classes on Judaism and Islamic history.  I am thinking about the way the desert features in each of these faiths. From Israelites who wandered the desert after fleeing Egypt for 40 years… to Mecca’s spring that rose in an arid … read more.

Wandering Pilgrims

We find the Holy in so much. We Unitarian Universalists are wandering pilgrims. There is no Mecca for us to face during prayer. There is no one single shrine that we approach with our bodies bent in prayer. There is no spit of land that … read more.

Love as the Fire that Moves Us

I like to think of love as the fire that moves us, the energy that empowers action. Love invites us to full engagement. Love takes many forms– kindness, patience, generosity, justice, compassion. It is the spiritual force that brings us together and carries us beyond … read more.

Love as Charity and Love as Patriotism

This month we explore the theme, love, and I will be preaching on love as charity and love as patriotism. Congregational life provides an abundance of opportunities to think about, practice, and embody love. I have committed my life to growing my capacity to love.

This … read more.

Reflecting on the Past and Renewed for the Future

This New Year brings us an opportunity for reflection. As we consider the theme of resilience, I invite us all to listen deeply to the wisdom and experiences of voices too long marginalized in our Unitarian Universalist communities.  Following a call from our denomination, we … read more.