Author: Jay Beaumont

How To Be A Transgender Ally

On November 20th for Transgender Day of Remembrance, Jamie Capach read the congregation a list of first steps to being an ally for transgender people in the spirit of empowerment and taking action. According to source Transwhat, “Allyship to trans people involves a number of … read more.

Making a Killing: Guns, Greed, and the NRA

On Friday, November 18, at 7 p.m. in the sanctuary,
the Social Action Ministry will continue our fall film and
discussion series with Making A Killing.
Making a Killing: Guns, Greed, and the NRA tells the
stories of how guns, and the billions made off … read more.

A Community of Story

What does it mean to be a community of story?
November’s theme connects us. Each of us carries our
own individual and family stories; and we are invited to
unite in religious community to tell a new story
together– a story that empowers us to … read more.

Mid- Hudson Refugee Solidarity Alliance

The story of Waitstill and Martha Sharp has touched
and inspired many of us in recent months. The Ken
Burns production of Defying the Nazis: The Sharps War
which PBS broadcast nationwide in September brought
the story into our homes and hearts.
The story reached … read more.

Community of Healing

Today the air is cooler at last, and the leaves on the trees are beginning to change color and fall.  Late summer’s heat is settling down, and I feel called to quieter spaces: contemplation and memory, reflection and inquiry, intimacy and soul.   As the world … read more.


This month we explore the theme of healing. Most people carry wounds of some sort and many continue to suffer from experiences that were traumatic. In our exploration we will consider resources from religion and science that can facilitate healing.  

The notion that wounds can … read more.

Free Public Workshop Called “We Who Defy Hate”

At 2 pm Saturday, September 24, 2016, the Unitarian Universalist Congregation at Rock Tavern is hosting a free public workshop called We Who Defy Hate, a companion to the PBS documentary Defying the Nazis: The Sharps’ War, to support people of different faith traditions who … read more.