Free and Responsible Search for Truth and Meaning

September is a month of new beginnings for Unitarian Universalist congregations, as we kick off another year of religious exploration and discovery in community. Learning and growing together across generations- no matter how young or old we may be- is the lifeblood of our liberal faith, as we covenant and affirm to promote the principle of “a free and responsible search for truth and meaning”. We need one another to forge our shared faith and to discern and answer the call to work for love and justice in the world.

At UUCRT, monthly themes are the bedrock of our learning and exploration. This year we will be following the themes that are listed below. Rev. Chris and I will preach on these themes, and invite our lay leaders and guest ministers to also consider these themes on other Sundays.  In addition, I will be offering an opportunity once a month to go deeper with the themes in a “Looking Deeply” religious enrichment circle in the sanctuary from 12-1 on the Sundays when I am present, starting Sunday, September 30th. This is an opportunity to reflect on how core theological questions apply to our lives as individuals and in community.

Families who would like to share the themes together, or youth ages 13 and up interested in “coming of age”, can inquire with me directly for additional support and resources. Our first circle will be held on Sunday, September 30th, and all are welcome. Other great lifespan learning opportunities are included in this newsletter, so read on to find out more. And if you have an idea for something new, let us know!

September’s theme, “vocation and calling”, seems fitting as a place to begin. At this time in history, the “calls” are many and pull at our sleeves in many directions. How do we decide what is ours to do? To what or whom do we give our hearts? Parker Palmer’s short book- Let Your Life Speak: Listening for the Voice of Vocation- is an excellent resource for those who would like to read more on this subject. What do our UU sources tell us about vocation? What are you- and we- called to do? Which voice(s) are we accountable to? What does the calling ask of us? Let us explore these questions and more in the month ahead together.


Terri Pahucki


Monthly Themes 2018-19

September- Vocation and Calling
October- Unity and Diversity
November- Gratitude
December- Peace
January- Grace
February- Prayer/ Spiritual Practice
March- Letting Go
April- Salvation
May- Mystery
June- Transcendence