Proposed Action of Immediate Witness for 2016 General Assembly

Proposed 2016 AIW Halt Drone Warfare Equal Justice Under Law


The UUCRT Board has elected Mike Landrum to serve as delegate to the 2016 General Assembly in Columbus Ohio, June 22-26, and Mike has graciously accepted to represent the congregation. Terri Pahucki will also attend, and carry together with her daughter the UUCRT banner in the traditional banner parade Wednesday night.

One of the requests I have made of Mike is to present the proposed Actions of Immediate Witness (AIW) on the floor of the Assembly Saturday morning. Many of you may be unfamiliar with AIWs.  According to the UUA, “The AIW process allows Unitarian Universalists to respond quickly to social issues deemed urgent. Adopted AIWs are used by congregations in local efforts and empower Multicultural Growth & Witness to take action and recommend action through other departments of the UUA and other Unitarian Universalist groups.” I encourage you to educate yourself about this vital piece of our democratic process and public witness by reading here.

This occasion may be the first time a UUCRT delegate has brought an AIW to General Assembly! I am very proud of Mike for rising to this challenge. You can help Mike move this AIW through the process by reaching out through social media and encouraging other Unitarian Universalists around the country to have their delegates sign the petition as soon as they arrive in Columbus. We need 150 signatures by Friday to get the proposed AIW to the General Assembly for a vote. We can do it!