Religion and the Founding Fathers
To listen to the presentation, CLICK HERE
When writing the Constitution, what role did the Unitarians play? Why is modern UUism the most American religion?
To listen to the presentation, CLICK HERE
When writing the Constitution, what role did the Unitarians play? Why is modern UUism the most American religion?
To listen to the presentation, CLICK HERE
What is the meaning of our membership and attendance at UUCRT? It’s a principle of ours that we freely search for meanings in our lives and in our worship services. Today we will explore where that search has taken … read more.
To join using computer, tablet or smartphone:
To join by phone: +1 929 205 6099 Meeting ID: 961 9770 5555
The Readers Digest, to which my Grandmother subscribed, had a few pages
dedicated to mild jokes titled, “Laughter, the Best Medicine”. Now, at the end of this … read more.
Isolation and social distancing have become constants in our lives. This will be a discussion on how we fill our days alone.
To join from your computer, tablet or smartphone:
To dial in using your phone: 1-646-558-8656 Meeting ID: 917 647 7893
Followed by a congregational discussion of the foreseeable difficulties leading up to this years Presidential Election. That’s right, we’re going to discuss politics, so bring your opinions!
To join Zoom Meeting: Meeting ID: 917 647 7893
For telephone access call: 1-646-558-8656 Meeting ID: 917 … read more.
Until further notice, here is how to connect to Sunday Services. You have the option to join online or by phone. To join online:
To join by phone: 1 (646) 749-3122 access code 725-185-141.
How should we conclude a well-lived life?
Annual Summer Poetry Service led by Mike Landrum and Hollis Kellogg. The Congregation and guests are encouraged to bring poetry you love or you wrote that has a deep felt spiritual meaning to you. You can also read passages or sing a song. Come one, … read more.
A discussion on the topic of The Second Mountain by David Brooks and how it might apply to UUCRT.