Author: Jay Beaumont

Religious Freedom

While I was in my twenties, I was active in a church that had been shunned by many mainline churches as heretical. Because of my religious affiliation, I experienced, for the first time in my life, a degree of religious intolerance and persecution that caused … read more.

Reflection from the Lay Commissioned Minister

Dear Friends,

This time of year in my seminary studies is one of final paper and project writing. I am currently working on a research paper focused on Congregation and Local Community Engagement for a Sociology of Religion class. This paper will include an exploration of … read more.

From Your Minister

The choice to belong to the UU faith tradition is a choice to embrace a call to the disciplined embodiment of our values and commitments. Our values include fairness, compassion, respect, responsibility, and honesty. Our fundamental commitment is to live a life in service to … read more.

Nonjudgmental Mindful Awareness

This month we explore the theme of Mindfulness. Mindfulness is a spiritual practice with Buddhist origins; it invites us to focus our attention on the present moment with non-judgmental awareness.  Mindfulness is an important theme to explore in November. Holidays such as Veterans Day and … read more.

Too Tall’s Transition

(Editor’s Note: This article, by Anne Quick, a good friend of the congregation, is published courtesy of Animal Wellness Magazine, Volume 19, Issue 5,

By Anne Quick

As an Animal Intuitive, I literally talk to animals, both alive and in spirit. Whether or not you … read more.

Death and Dying

This month’s theme “Death” is meant to facilitate a process of personal reflection, learning, and spiritual growth focused on the topic of death and dying. It brings death, dying, and grief into the light of our daily lives and out of the dark, macabre recesses … read more.

Many Ways to Handle Grief

I wasn’t prepared when my father died- out of the blue, in the middle of a work day, at the age of 54. I was washing the dishes when my sister called to tell me that he had had a heart attack at work. In … read more.

On Forgiveness

September is a time of new beginnings.  Children head back to school; the air gets a little lighter and cooler as we move into Fall. Many Unitarian Universalist congregations hold water communion ceremonies to welcome families back from summer adventures and kick off a new … read more.

On Forgiveness

On a recent visit to Japan I met Mr. Hirotami Yamada, who was 14 and in Nagasaki in 1945 when the US dropped the atomic bomb. He told me that action was “unforgivable.”

In the presence of Mr. Yamada, I felt an uncomfortable mix of sadness, … read more.