I am honored to have served this congregation the past few days as an off-site online delegate to the Unitarian Universalist Association’s General Assembly. At this writing, the final songs have been sung, and we have just installed our new UUA President, the Rev. … read more.
Author: Jay Beaumont
Path to Distinction
Peace Advocate Congregation. UU United Nations Office Blue Ribbon Congregation. Welcoming Congregation. Annual Program Fund Honor Congregation. These were a few of the ribbons I received and wore with pride as your delegate to the annual General Assembly in New Orleans this June. I hope … read more.
Joy Is a Gift
Recently, I arrived home late at night from a trip, weary and exhausted from travel. Opening the door, I was startled by my tail-wagging dog, Honey, who pounced on me with boundless excitement and smothered my face with wet kisses. Her enthusiastic greeting filled … read more.
Resist and Rejoice
This month Terri and I will join the Ban the Bomb march in New York City on June 17, in support of the historic treaty to ban nuclear weapons that most member states of the UN have already endorsed and will pass at the end … read more.
I find myself in this moment, at the end of a long seminary semester heavy with words and ideas, staring at this month’s theme: Embodiment. Piles of books and scattered papers lie around me, and I am moved by the longing to return to physical … read more.
If only we could embody the principles that we covenant to affirm and promote! Sigh.
The recent resignation of UUA President Peter Morales, along with other members of the national staff, is a glaring reminder that the principles we hold so dear are aspirational, not … read more.
County Human Rights Commission to Recognize Rev. Antal on April 19th
The Orange County Human Rights Commission will be recognizing Rev. Chris J. Antal for his humanitarian deeds and actions at its 22nd annual awards dinner Wednesday, April 19 at Kuhl’s Highland House, 512 Highland Ave., in Middletown.
Rev. Antal, Dr. Ron Israelski, Abdullah Rahaman, Lana … read more.
We are a community of transformation. This month’s theme is a statement of faith that challenges us to move through the mud and the muck of personal despair and suffering, and turn it into something new. It challenges us to imagine possibility, even as life … read more.
Do we need a major change in our appearance, in our form, in our essence? This sounds suspiciously like a call to be “born again.” Something in me resists the theme for this month.
We have all experienced making New Year’s resolutions or something of … read more.
What does it mean to be a community at risk?
Risk: Last month the Harriet Tubman National Historic Park was established in Auburn, New York, becoming the 51st national site to achieve this distinction. The park commemorates the later years of Tubman’s life and honors her legacy as a bold, brave freedom fighter who, over … read more.