Category: From the Board of Trustees

President’s Message

When I first joined this congregation in the fall of 1993 it was lay-led and had been for many years. That appealed to me. As a boy, growing up in small, midwestern towns, I had little choice but to follow my parents to a series … read more.

Thanks for Doing Your Part!

Dear Members and Friends –

I’m very happy to report that Linda Mangelsdorf has been appointed to the Board of Trustees and will participate on Skype during those periods when she is traveling. We thank Twila Smith for completing two full terms – six years in … read more.

Presence in Action

The program theme for the month of December is “Presence” and the question that we ask is: “What does it mean to be a community of presence?”  Hmm.  It would seem to me that presence is a requirement for most communities. What would a “community … read more.

From the Board of Trustees – June 2016

Words are powerful.  They are our primary source of communication. They express thought between people and, when chosen carefully, allow us to deepen our understanding of purpose, of emotion, of all that would otherwise be abstract.

We use words to define meaning.  And so, it is … read more.