Love Overcomes Fear – Public Vigil for America Friday 8pm UUCRT

The entire community is invited to join in vigil this Friday evening June 17, 8pm, at the UUCRT Sanctuary. We will grieve this tragic loss in Orlando and recommit ourselves to live with a love that overcomes fear.


Love Overcomes Fear

A Statement by Members of the Greater Newburgh Interfaith Council
We, the undersigned, as leaders of our respective faith communities, stand united in our quest to build the beloved community where love overcomes fear.
We are alarmed at the rising tide of xenophobia in our nation.
We are dismayed by those who use words to harm, spewing stereotypes that kindle bigotry and hatred.
We lament each surge in xenophobic speech and subsequent spikes in violence against Americans, no matter what their belief system, race, ethnic background, gender identity or sexual orientation.
Reacting to difference with fear and hatred diminishes us all.
We value safety and security yet accept that as humans we are inherently vulnerable.
We recognize that our greatest protection from extremists comes from building bridges of trust with those who appear different from us.
We heed the teachings of Islam, Christianity, Judaism, Buddhism, and other wisdom traditions that implore us: love one another.
We recognize that those who have been the targets of hate speech are our neighbors; they are our doctors, professors and local merchants; they are mothers and fathers, caregivers, and colleagues; they are part of us.
We celebrate people of all races, ethnicities, faith traditions, gender identities and sexual orientations among us who contribute to the diversity of our community and help make America great.
We seek a world where racism, hate, and violence are relics of the past, where differences are celebrated and respected, and where our children learn by our examples the ways of peace.
We urge all people of all faiths to join us in these commitments, in the name of God.
The Reverend Chris J. Antal, Unitarian Universalist Congregation at Rock Tavern
The Reverend Mary Lou Baumgartner, King of Kings Lutheran Church
Rabbi Larry Freedman, Temple Beth Jacob
The Reverend Jeffrey L. Hooker, Grace United Methodist Church
The Reverend Dave Mason, Union Presbyterian Church
The Reverend Ernst A. Mossl, Christ Lutheran Church,
Kenneth L. Sampson, Chaplain (Retired), Cornwall-on-Hudson, New York
The Reverend Dr. Deke Spierling, PC (USA) Retired, New Windsor, New York
The Reverend Dustin Trowbridge, Saint George’s Episcopal Church