Minister’s Message

What a wonderful surprise to see a recent Washington Post article written by Perry Bacon, Jr. entitled, “Don’t Doomscroll About Trump. Do These Five Things Instead” AND NUMBER TWO on this list was : JOIN A UNITARIAN UNIVERSALIST CONGREGATION!!! As the pirates say, “HUZZAH”! Here is a bit of the article:
“If you’re part of a Christian, Muslim, Jewish or other religious group that meets regularly and engages politically, skip this. But there is a growing number of Americans, particularly on the left, who are religiously unaffiliated and not regularly congregating with people who share their values.

“They should consider the Unitarian Universalists. I recently started regularly attending a UU service in Louisville. It’s much more political than the Christian churches I have previously been a member of. That turned me off at first. Since politics is essentially my job, I try (usually unsuccessfully) to avoid discussions of elections and government in my off-hours. And I was leery of a church whose openly liberal values would clearly turn off Trump supporters and therefore ensure a congregation that didn’t include many

“But before the election, church members engaged in politics in a practical way, encouraging congregants to go canvassing in opposition to a proposed constitutional amendment here to create a school vouchers program. (It failed.) So at least on Sundays, I was in a community of people working on a concrete, discrete local issue, as opposed to nervously speculating about Vice President Kamala Harris’s poll numbers. “Post-election, I was relieved to be in a space where we openly discussed shared values and ideals we felt had been rejected by America in electing Trump, such as support of immigrants and LGBTQ+ people.”

Friends, we are now seeing a “Trump Bump”, people attending our services with post-election jitters. Let us welcome our new visitors with open arms. Show them what a wonderful community of free thinkers and doers we are. We have so much to offer. Let’s keep our bright light shining!
Rev. Diane