Author: Donna

Notes from the Board

Notes from June 11, 2024 BOT meeting:

We received a generous $1,000 donation to put toward our mortgage.

Rev. Diane confirmed with UUA that we can have our GA delegates vote as the congregation did.

The proposed Birch school contract for the 2024-25 school year is ready for

Sunday … read more.

President’s Message

What are we taking for granted?

I felt a special glow during and after a recent service, and in reflecting on it, I realize that amidst the routines and hustle and bustle of today’s life, I often overlook the gifts and blessings that surround us, … read more.

Minister’s Message

This summer Markly Wilson, Bill Domanico and myself attended the 2024 General Assembly. We look forward to discussing our impressions, and the results of all the voting on various subjects. If you look at you can see the results!

Attending online this year, it … read more.

Notes from the Board

Notes from April 29, 2024 Board of Trustees meeting:

Sunday Services ministry reports that Rose is learning about live streaming.

Welcoming ministry reports that a spring brunch is being planned for young
families with children.

Caring ministry suggested that a new men’s breakfast group be started.

Arts ministry reported that … read more.

President’s Message

Complaining and the Eyes of an Immigrant

There is something good about complaining. It feels nice to identify something unpleasant and its negative effect on us. Identifying it and talking about it gives us a
release and in some ways that process dampens its damaging effect. I … read more.

Minister’s Message

The Peace of Wild Things
By Wendell Berry
“When despair for the world grows in me and I wake in the night at the least sound
in fear of what my life and my children’s lives may be,
“I go and lie down where the wood drake rests in … read more.

Folk Guild Features The Whispering Tree May 11

The Rock Tavern Chapter of the Hudson Valley Folk Guild is pleased to be featuring The Whispering Tree on Saturday, May 11, 2024. Called “one of
the most talented duos to take stage in NYC” by Deli Magazine, The Whispering Tree are singer/songwriter El Kleiner and … read more.

We Support Knights Out

The 12th Knight’s Out Gala was held at the West Point Club recently to honor and support LGBTQ+ West Point service members, their alumni and allies. The UUCRT provided a gold level sponsorship of the event. Pictured above are this year’s attendees (L to R):Steven … read more.

Notes from the Board

Notes from April 9, 2024 BOT meeting: FYI – The minutes are posted on the bulletin
board across from the Quiet Room.

Steve Deutsch shared his report following the tour of the building with Bill Domanico, Jim Tarvin, and Ed Helbig, our Birch School maintenance provider. Several … read more.