Author: Donna

Water Ceremony

Rev. Diane helps the youngsters pour the waters of memories and hope around the peace pole in this shared communion of solidarity and peace as congregants and friends gather around on Sept. 8.

Notes from the Board

Notes from the September 10, 2024 Board of Trustees meeting:

Alan reported that costs for repairs are very high.

Since the Birch School isn’t OK with our chair plan, Bill will observe and consult with Kate.

Markly will get more information from the neighbors about our sign.

RE needs … read more.

President’s Message

I recently caught up with a friend that I haven’t talked with for a long time, and what she told me about her daughter revealed how ignorant I am about the life of millennials who were born between 1981 -1996.

I learned her daughter has no … read more.

Minister’s Message

We have one or two more spots open for someone wanting to join our Soul Matters circle this fall. We meet on the second Friday of every month from 2:30-4 in the sanctuary.

The theme for this month is the practice of deep listening. Rev. Scott … read more.

Notes from the Board

Notes from the July 9, 2024 BOT meeting:

$6410 , which is 10% of the budget, was placed in reserve, as required by our bylaws.

The Birch school will hold recruiting events each Tuesday in August.

Sunday services ministry will not have Zoom services in July but … read more.

President’s Message

What Do You Stand For?

Our first principle, The Inherent Worth and Dignity of Every Person, is a great principle to look up to and strive to maintain. I take pride in aiming to uphold it. But how am I doing? If I dare to be … read more.

Minister’s Message

I hope everyone had a good summer; I look forward to seeing everyone in September! As I think back over the past year, I am reminded that we have so much for which to be grateful.

Our beloved UUCRT community is blossoming. It appears visitors and … read more.

Notes from the Board

Notes from June 11, 2024 BOT meeting:

We received a generous $1,000 donation to put toward our mortgage.

Rev. Diane confirmed with UUA that we can have our GA delegates vote as the congregation did.

The proposed Birch school contract for the 2024-25 school year is ready for

Sunday … read more.

President’s Message

What are we taking for granted?

I felt a special glow during and after a recent service, and in reflecting on it, I realize that amidst the routines and hustle and bustle of today’s life, I often overlook the gifts and blessings that surround us, … read more.