Speaker: Mike Landrum

Defiant Humanism

Taking care of Principles 2,5 &6 which have been under attack since the election.

Childhood’s End?

Mike will address the crisis our planet is
experiencing now and possible scenarios
that could play out in the future.


There have been frequent calls from the right, for a change to the constitution regarding the wall between church and state. Their argument is that we are a Christian country, and our laws should reference Jesus Christ as our savior. In fact, the founding fathers … read more.

“What is the purpose of Art?”

To listen to the presentation, CLICK HERE

If you Google “What is the  purpose of Art?”, you will find a long answer with many categories. Art is a language which delivers a different personal meaning to each receiver. Let’s  discuss! 

Religion and Art

To view the presentation, CLICK HERE

Art was the first lasting creation of humanity that expressed a religious feeling. Consider this cave painting science has dated over 40,000 years old: