Speaker: Rev. Terri Pahucki

Healing and Wholeness

What wisdom can we draw from the spiritual disciplines of truth-telling and atonement?  Let us encounter these gifts together on the journey toward wholeness.  

A Community of Covenant

Let us reflect on our call to covenant on this 15th anniversary of 9/11.  The service will include our annual Water Communion Ritual. Please bring a small bottle of water from a place that is meaningful to you.

Planting Peace

What seeds of peace will we plant in the coming year? What will we grow together?  All ages are welcome to share hopes for how we can sow peace in the face of challenging times.

On Belonging

 Let us explore the meanings and challenges of belonging in the Unitarian Universalist religious community.  What spiritual riches can we discover through connection to our history and movement?

The Heart of Simplicity

What does it mean to be a people of simplicity? We will explore the calls and challenges of our religious path together. Followed by Soul Matters Sharing Circle 12:15 to 1 p.m.

Blessing the World

In our religious tradition, we are all called to offer blessing. How do we take up the power that is in our own hands? What will we do with our gifts?

The service will be followed by “Soul Matters”  at 12:15 p.m. in Romm 20, an … read more.