Speaker: Rev. Diane Diachishin

Welcome, All

Rev. Diane Diachishin. Welcome, All. “He drew a circle that shut me out-Heretic, rebel, a thing to flout. But love and I had the wit to win: We drew a circle and took him in!’ ( E. Markham) Welcome, all, to this place of love … read more.

Renewal~from Darkness to Light

In person and Zoom

Franciscan priest and Christian mystic, Father Richard Rohr, says: “Loss and renewal is the perennial, eternal, transformative pattern. It’s like a secret spiral: each time you allow the surrender, each time you can trust the dying, you will experience a new quality … read more.

Real Community: Messy, Imperfect and Needed.

In person and Zoom

Restorative Justice is a practice drawn from indigenous cultures. Restorative Justice Circles create safe space. This service will reflect on the spirituality and promise of a restorative justice approach towards healing broken relationships within the greater community as well as within our … read more.

Imagining Together

This service is interactive. We will spend time in small discussion and sharing groups exploring our response to the new draft of Article II of the UUA Bylaws. It has taken 2 years of work with UU individuals, groups and leaders to complete. We will share our … read more.


Changes abound… around us, within us, between us; in our neighborhoods, and our beloved faith communities. May we each find the balance point we need as we move through our ever-changing world: the balance between the old and the new, between the known and the … read more.

“Living the Questions”

In Person and via Zoom. Our flaming chalice light means different things to different people. It was purposely designed with  lack of clarity and  intentionally left open to interpretation.

For example, what is the symbolism of the flaming chalice for you personally? If you have not … read more.