Month: July 2024

Notes from the Board

Notes from June 11, 2024 BOT meeting:

We received a generous $1,000 donation to put toward our mortgage.

Rev. Diane confirmed with UUA that we can have our GA delegates vote as the congregation did.

The proposed Birch school contract for the 2024-25 school year is ready for

Sunday … read more.

President’s Message

What are we taking for granted?

I felt a special glow during and after a recent service, and in reflecting on it, I realize that amidst the routines and hustle and bustle of today’s life, I often overlook the gifts and blessings that surround us, … read more.

Minister’s Message

This summer Markly Wilson, Bill Domanico and myself attended the 2024 General Assembly. We look forward to discussing our impressions, and the results of all the voting on various subjects. If you look at you can see the results!

Attending online this year, it … read more.