Month: April 2024

Notes from the Board

March 12, 2024 BOT meeting:

Alan reported that we are ahead on budget income and endowments are doing

We will need to budget for maintenance of the air conditioner condensers which have been neglected.

Our building security committee will soon meet with the Birch school to discuss mutual … read more.

President’s Message

Once upon a time, there was a quaint Unitarian Universalist Congregation nestled in a little village on the outskirts of a city and amidst many trees, a small field with a labyrinth, and blooming gardens.

In the sanctuary lived a majestic old jade tree named … read more.

Minister’s Message

It is wonderful to be back after my long trip and see the garden flowers just beginning to bloom. The change of winter to spring brings me out of my own winter shell, curious to see how spring is arriving, even though we are still … read more.