Minister’s Message

This summer Markly Wilson, Bill Domanico and myself attended the 2024 General Assembly. We look forward to discussing our impressions, and the results of all the voting on various subjects. If you look at you can see the results!

Attending online this year, it was frustrating and challenging at times, but I did manage to attend some very inspiring workshops.

In a world filled with division and challenges, the theme for this year’s General Assembly was a powerful reminder of the core principles that unite us as Unitarian Universalists. The theme “Love Unites, Stories Ignite” celebrated the profound impact of love as a binding force that transcends boundaries and fosters connections within our faith community and beyond. It is through the stories to which I deeply listened, that common ground eventually emerged.

As Unitarian Universalists, we have a saving and life-giving message. It is a message of hope for all of the world. In this time of deliberation and conversation, may we be drawn closer to one another, and closer to the heart of understanding and care. So may it be, and blessed be.
-Rev. Diane

Unitarian Universalist Association
Live your values aloud, not alone. Our open￾minded, open-hearted spiritual communities help people lead lives of justice, love, learning and hope.