Minister’s Message

It is wonderful to be back after my long trip and see the garden flowers just beginning to bloom. The change of winter to spring brings me out of my own winter shell, curious to see how spring is arriving, even though we are still experiencing some winter weather. April is the perfect time to start taking a moment here and there to notice the changing wildlife sights, sounds, and smells around you.

In the next month, I am looking forward to exploring the changes being proposed by the UUA to redefine our values and principles. We are charged with discerning who we are and where we are going.

Our past UUA President, Susan Frederick Gray writes: “May we enter our conversations with a spirit of curiosity, holding off attachment to outcomes, and listen with our whole hearts and to the fullness and diversity of voices in our community. May the process itself deepen our understanding of and commitment to our faith.”

Here, are some websites to help better
understand the UUA’s stance regarding the
proposed revisions:￾universalist-article-ii-quotes-theological￾analysis-rev-dr-sheri-prudhomme

I’ll end with this poem by Adrienne Rich, “My Heart is Moved by All I Cannot Save”
My heart is moved by all I cannot save
so much has been destroyed
I have to cast my lot
with those who age after age,
perversely, with no extraordinary
power reconstitute the world.

May you all be well,
In Faith,
Rev. Diane