Notes from the Board – June 2023

Nancy Sears presented information related to 80 young, male asylum seekers who were brought to Newburgh local hotel where they will remain while awaiting their hearings in NYC. They don’t speak English and have needs for food, toiletries & games.
– A motion to use the remaining $113 in our Refugees Fund was passed.
– A motion to designate the 3rd Sunday collection for them for the next 4 months was passed.
-A motion to ask the congregation for donations of food, toiletries and games was passed.
-Please see flyer attached to this email that details volunteer opportunities organized by the Hudson Valley Immigrant Welcoming Committee.

Jim Tarvin offered to use a stencil to paint 2 UUs at the foot of our driveway to direct traffic up our hill; motion approved. The board considered a proposal from the administrator to have UUCRT documents digitally collected and stored in a central location. Details will be worked out. Those who signed up to participate in our ministries will be contacted and encouraged to meet, select a chair and make a plan for their work.

The board acknowledged and expressed gratitude to Judy Garrett for a $5,000 donation. The Birch school has located affordable security cameras for the exterior doors.
Submitted by Sue Ann Peck,
Secretary UUCRT