The UUCRT is a place that we enjoy coming to, to be with like-minded independent thinkers to enjoy sharing a broad spectrum of spiritual beliefs as well. We don’t make you kneel or confess. Never did, never will.
But it does take money, talent and energy to run a place like ours. April and May are crucial months for the UUCRT.
In April, members pledge to support UUCRT financially and our Treasurer Alan Horne, in conjunction with the Stewardship and Finance Ministry create a budget based upon the pledges for the 2023-2024 year.
On May 21st this year, at our annual Congregational Meeting the treasurer will present the budget and the Congregation will vote on it.
Your attendance at the Congregational Meeting is critical for the well-being of the congregation. We hope you will attend in person with the meeting available on Zoom as well.
In Service,
Bill Domanico