Author: Donna

President’s Message


One of our wonderful principles is the responsible search for truth and meaning. I’ve just discovered an astounding reward from doing this by following the work of a particular author’s responsible search for truth and meaning.

The discovery helps anyone who is not Jewish to better … read more.

Minister’s Message

These winter days, with or without the cold and ice, are an invitation to move inward, to rest. To be still. This is our season to move indoors and discover what the stillness of winter will reveal.

Let us move through this time and make a … read more.

Accessing Zoom and Order of Service

Virtual Sunday services are exclusively through Zoom. You can access the online and call-in link through Zoom by:
• Opening the UUCRT email alert now being sent out on Fridays and clicking on the Zoom link there or dialing the listed phone number and entering listed … read more.

Past Services now Available

Did you miss a program or wish to reflect again on one you attended? Go to our YouTube channel to view past services. You can find it by clicking on the YouTube icon on the top right of our home page or by clicking here
… read more.

Notes from the Board

Notes from the December 5, 2023 BOT Meeting
• Sullivan Fire Protection Co. was called to inspect and repair system as there was water in the basement after the Dec.11 storm.
• Jim Tarvin agreed to contact Mike’s handyman to clean gutters.
• Nan reported that we have … read more.

President’s Message

It’s your living room and
with your most precious
furniture and china on
display, the grandkids are
on the floor, you are in
the room and so is your guest which
happens to be a live elephant. You want to
be hospitable but are very nervous. You
don’t want to … read more.

Minister’s Message

A Recipe for Hope: Adjust Accordingly.
It’s a question we all wrestle with: How do you hold on to hope in a world so overrun with injustice and inequity?

2023 was such a tumultuous year that I have heard from many that they feel almost frightened or … read more.

It’s a Jungle Out There

Debra Vogel, with Darryl Curry on the piano, wows the audience at the UUCRT on Dec. 2 with her show, It’s a Jungle Out There, a cabaret fund-raiser for the congregation.

Notes from the Board

Notes from the December 5, 2023 BOT Meeting

*Markly and Bill will decide if there is a need for a weather-related closing. Sunday Services ministry will determine if Zoom services are possible and John Kinney will send out an eBlast informing the congregation. *Some details expanded … read more.

President’s Message

A UU Out of the Box Way to Celebrate the New Year

Our cultures, religions, and large corporations have guided us to different ways of ringing out the old year and bringing in the new. These include, among other traditions and practices, the dropping ball at … read more.