Caring Congregation

   Surely there is no better measure of a faith community than what its members do to help one of its own when the need arises.

   We are a small group, but I have seen over the years our members step forward to assist another member or friend. Currently, a couple in our group has been dealing with health and other issues. I am grateful to those who have come forward to help with driving, food, and emotional support.

   We have an active Care Team, but others who are not an active member of that ministry have also given of their time and care. I remember a few years ago when I seriously injured my back after overuse of a machine at a gym. I could hardly move. Fortunately, with physical therapy, I gradually recovered. A typical single man living alone (as I was), would likely feel his immediate family would be the only ones appropriate to ask for help.

    But I knew I had a larger family- our beloved community at Rock Tavern. I managed to recover without help, but I knew that if I needed it, I could depend on the UUCRT to assist me. That should be so important to us all!