It’s a Jungle Out There
Debra Vogel, with Darryl Curry on the piano, wows the audience at the UUCRT on Dec. 2 with her show, It’s a Jungle Out There, a cabaret fund-raiser for the congregation.
Debra Vogel, with Darryl Curry on the piano, wows the audience at the UUCRT on Dec. 2 with her show, It’s a Jungle Out There, a cabaret fund-raiser for the congregation.
“Think Globally, Act Locally” applies perfectly to a teach-in on the current crisis in Gaza and Israel scheduled for Sunday, November 12 at 1:30 p.m. at the United Methodist Church in New Paltz, NY. Organized by Jewish Voice for Peace – Hudson Valley Chapter (JVP-HV) … read more.
Thanks to all who donated warm jackets, clothing, hats and gloves. Additional coats are being purchased and all will be donated to the men at the Ramada in Newburgh.
-Nan Dempster
On Sept. 10, the UUCRT welcomed friends, congregants and RE kids and their parents to a plot luck picnic in the Fellowship Hall. This wellattended affair was made possible by a bevy of cooks and helpers.
Greeting from The Birch School Community to the Unitarian Universalist Congregation at Rock Tavern.
We at The Birch School are immensely grateful to the UU Community for your generosity in sharing this wonderful building with us. Every Birch family appreciates the remarkable qualities of the building … read more.
On July 14, Linda, Fred, Nora and her husband Eugene visited the Ramada Inn to deliver donated food to asylum seekers living there.
The security man outside the door of the hotel asked why we had come, then sent us through the lobby where tables were … read more.
The Orange County Psychic Experiences Group meets on the first Tuesday of each month from 7 PM – 9 PM at the UUCRT. The purpose of the group is for participants to have an open and safe environment to share psychic, intuitive and supernatural experiences. … read more.
As fall and winter approaches the men will need warm coats, hats and gloves. A Coat Drive will take place during the month of September. Please bring your donations of clean, gently used garments for MEN only to the sanctuary where a table will be … read more.
The Knights Out Gala at West Point held in April, celebrated LGBTQ members of our valued armed forces. Representatives from the Army, Navy, and Air Force were in there in full dress uniform.
There were also esteemed veterans and many sponsors. It was a joyous … read more.