How to Stay Connected

We Love Movies
Meets on first Thursday at 7 pm via Zoom.
Meets on the 1st Thursday at 7 pm via Zoom. On January 4, the movie group will discuss the film Nyad, available on Netflix. Nearly 30 years after her last attempt to swim from Cuba to Florida, Diana Nyad again tries to make this nearly impossible swim at the age of 60. After 5 attempts and with continuing questions of her success, she reaches her goal on August 31, 2013. This recreation of her story should lead to a lively conversation via the Zoom link on the website, 7:00pm, Thursday, January 4, 2024. Hope you can join us.
Meeting ID: 966 3436 4686 Passcode: educate
Join by phone: 1 929 205 6099 Meeting ID: 966 3436 4686 Passcode: 8282691
We Love Books
Meets the third Thursday of the month at 7 pm via Zoom.
The Book Group will take a break in December. At the Jan. 18 Book Group meeting we will discuss Differ We Must: How Lincoln Succeeded in a Divided America by Steven Inskeep of NPR fame. The book “offers important parallels with the present “(Washington Post) “It’s not a biography … Rather, it’s an account of a handful of encounters between Lincoln and people he disagreed with, people he often nevertheless needed to get his way.” – Anand Giradharadas, The.Ink
Join us via the Zoom link on the
Meeting ID: 966 3436 4686 Passcode: educate
Join by phone: 1 929 205 6099 Meeting ID: 966 3436 4686 Passcode: 8282691
Fridays 5pm Happy Hour, We’ll meet for our weekly Friday happy hour and join together to celebrate our fellowship and friendship. Make yourself a cocktail, a cup of hot chocolate or pour a glass of your favorite. Pop in weekly and say hello!! Meeting ID: 991 8650 8662 Passcode: visit
Join by phone: 1 929 205 6099 Meeting ID: 991 8650 8662 Passcode: 762682
Volunteer from the safety of your own home, or get out of the house and help others while maintaining social distancing.
Contribute to the Discretionary Fund This Fund allows people in our community to request and receive short term financial support directly from the UUCRT. Give if you can, through our online Vanco portal (click on DONATE in the top right corner of this page), or by mailing your check to our treasurer, Alan Horne.
The Discretionary Fund exists for times like these. We are facing a situation unprecedented in our lifetimes. Many people are losing their jobs, and soon many will be sick and need to stay home with unpaid leave. Others will be burdened with healthcare costs and, sadly, funeral expenses. Some of you may be among this population already. If you are among those in need of financial support please contact the Care Team at They will provide that support in confidentiality, protecting the requestors personally identifying information.