The UUCRT uses WebPay Solutions to process donations to the UUCRT Community. From this site, you can:

  • Contribute to the General Operating Fund
  • Contribute to the Discretionary Fund
  • Set up your UUCRT Pledge
  • Help move the Congregation closer to financial freedom by making a donation to pay down the Mortgage Principal
  • Contribute to the “Sunday Basket” as you would if we were in the sanctuary
  • Make a donation for Special Events (link will be available as shows are posted)

During this time of uncertainty, it is necessary to plan for the financial future of the UUCRT. Any and all contributions will be greatly appreciated.

Click Here to enter the UUCRT WebPay page.

If you would like to make a pledge to the UUCRT, below you will find the link to a secure Google Pledge Form that is short, easy to complete, and will return directly to our Treasurer. Once completed, you can click the link above to set up your payment.


Thank you for supporting the UUCRT.