Common Read Group Meets, Newcomers Welcome

The minister, lay commissioned minister, members and friends of the UUCRT met Saturday morning February 10 in the sanctuary to discuss the UUA Common Read for 2017-2018, Centering: Navigating Race, Authenticity, and Power in Ministry. This first discussion focused on the essay “Othering and Belonging” by Rev. Darrick Jackson, and the response by Rev. Lilia Cuervo. The book group used the UUA discussion guide and practiced the spiritual practices for reading and discussing Centering: 1. Practice centering the experience of religious professionals of color; 2 Avoid the impulse to fix problems; 3) Resist the temptation to confess guilt and shame; and 4) question the UU tendency to question authority.  A full explanation of the spiritual practices can be found on pages 25-27 of the discussion guide.

The group decided that Centering is a rich resource and hopes more members and friends will join this vital discussion series. The group will meet again on March 18, from 12-1pm, to discuss leadership and ministry. The focus will be on the essay “Call and Response,” by Rev. Lauren Smith (pp 43-57), and the response by Rev. Dr. Susan Newman Moore (pp. 58-65).  Newcomers are welcome to attend. The UUCRT no longer has copies of Centering available for purchase. It can be purchased through the UUA bookstore here. One copy of Centering for shared use at the UUCRT will be available on the Welcome Table. Please do not remove the copy from the UUCRT and return it to the Welcome Table when you are done.