I’m honored to serve my first full congregational year with you as your called and settled minister.
We have many achievements to celebrate, including the commissioning Terri Pahucki as a Lay Commissioned Minister, recognition of the UUCRT as a Peace Advocate Congregation, the distinction of UUCRT being a Black Level Sponsor of Knights Out, and home to the newly chartered Hudson Valley Chapter 177 of Veteran’s for Peace. Moreover, the debut Spiritual Arts Fair was a remarkable success, and our new website is terrific! For the first time, perhaps ever, the UUCRT had two delegates, Mike Landrum and Linda Mangelsdorf, at General Assembly and we made history by bringing an Action of Immediate Witness from creation all the way to the floor for a vote. Finally, with much relief, I received Final Fellowship from the Ministerial Fellowship Committee of the UUA. And five new members joined so far in 2016.
We have had our share of pains and losses. Anne Beck and Dirk Westervelt died. The political campaigning is painful to behold. Gun violence and acts of terror continue in America and around the world. Our “Peace President” has disappointed many of us and the prospects for anything better seem bleak. Issues like climate justice and income inequality loom as large as ever.
Despite the sadness, our religious movement is strong and our future is bright. I find hope in that reality and look forward to continuing our journey together at the start of our new congregational year in September.
In Service,