Minister’s Message

I hope everyone had a good summer; I look forward to seeing everyone in September! As I think back over the past year, I am reminded that we have so much for which to be grateful.

Our beloved UUCRT community is blossoming. It appears visitors and congregants are finding that we offer a faith that is sustaining through challenging times, as well as programs and activities that nourish the soul. This year we have been blessed by the presence of young faces, every time I see them in our sanctuary it warms my heart.

This is a shout out to our RE program, especially to Michelle DiLorenzo and Bernadette McGinn. Their leadership and creativity are inspiring. They have organized a wonderful support team with awesome volunteers. Having helpers to share the load seems paramount to this ministry’s success.

Also, to the Sunday Service ministry. I am amazed at all the extraordinary programs that have been presented this year and the tech team’s expertise in being able to help present such a diverse group of programs every Sunday without any major tech glitches (special gratitude for Elizabeth Mehling! ) Hurrah for this great group, competently co- led by Rose O’Neill and Jaye Moyer and the wonderful team they have assembled.

I’d be remiss if I didn’t also mention my deep appreciation for our board that works studiously every month to keep us going. Kudos to them for being so diligent, finding solutions for all the challenges with which they are faced. We are lucky to have such a transparent, dedicated board of trustees!

I am looking forward to seeing what we can again accomplish in the coming year. As Michelle Obama said in her recent DNC speech ” right now there is a contagious power of hope in our country “. As an expression of our faith, many Unitarian Universalist congregations are already engaged in voter registration, election reform, protecting voting rights and democracy, as well as Get-Out-the-Vote drives. Please see Sue Ann Peck, Nan Dempster or Nancy Sears for more information, if you want to help.

In faith and community,
Rev. Diane