The Wheel of the Year and the Restful Energy of Winter How to Celebrate Imbolc in 2025. In early Feb 1-2 the Pagan/ Wiccan celebration of Imbolc occurs. It falls exactly halfway between the Winter Solstice (Yule) and the Spring Equinox (Ostara). Daylight is increasing and spring is in the air. While it is too early for planting gardens, Imbolc has been a time to start thinking about what you want to plant and harvest in the coming year. In modern day living, Imbolc and the quiet weeks post-holiday season is a great time to reflect and think about where you want to go in the coming months.
Although we are still in the heart of winter, the days are slowly growing longer, one can think of this as a season of quiet preparation, of gathering strength for what’s to come. I try to honor this time as a season of rest as well as honoring my New Year’s intentions.
Here is a comforting poem “Winter Meditation”, written by Tess Baumberger.
Something has changed in me this winter.
In the past I’ve focused on how long winter
How miserable I find it, and how it seems so
This winter, I find myself thinking instead
That every day, every hour, every minute
Brings us just that much closer to spring.
We all experience wintry times,
When things seem harsh and frozen,
Or muffled by layered shrouds of snow.
It is helpful to remember that each day that
dawns bleakly,
Each night that wraps it’s cold cloak around
our hearts,
Brings us closer to that time of warm and
vibrant sun.
May we be present in this time of darkness
and light. And may we hold one another in
the quiet,
Rev. Diane