Notes from the Board

Notes from June 11, 2024 BOT meeting:

  • We received a generous $1,000 donation to put toward our mortgage.
  • Rev. Diane confirmed with UUA that we can have our GA delegates vote as the congregation did.
  • The proposed Birch school contract for the 2024-25 school year is ready for
  • Sunday Services will have 2 Zoom services in June, none in July and 2 in August.
  • Welcoming Ministry has planned a Young Families brunch at Cronomer Hill Park for June 15.
  • Social Action is investigating UU the Vote.
  • Ads about UUCRT will be placed in the Highland Current newspaper .
  • DNK Heating and Air Conditioning will service our furnaces and air conditioners.
  • A monthly Men’s Breakfast will be inaugurated at the Alexis Diner on Saturday,
    July 20 at 9 am.
  • Sue Ann Peck was appointed as BOT secretary until a replacement is found.

NEW If you have a question which you wish to raise at a Board meeting, please contact in advance, Markly Wilson or Donna Polat to receive the meeting link.
-Sue Ann Peck