Notes from the July 9, 2024 BOT meeting:
- $6410 , which is 10% of the budget, was placed in reserve, as required by our bylaws.
- The Birch school will hold recruiting events each Tuesday in August.
- Sunday services ministry will not have Zoom services in July but will have 2 in August.
- Welcome ministry announced an inaugural Men’s breakfast to be held on Sat. July 20 at the Alexis Diner.
- Bernadette has agreed to teach RE during the next school year.
- Wiring for sound in the Quiet Room was approved.
- Board approved having DNK service our HVAC and air conditioning systems.
Notes from the August 13, 2024 BOT meeting:
- Markly and Nan were approved as signers on our bank account.
- The Birch School has concerns about signage which are being addressed.
- Another brunch will be held for new families on August 7 (Date changed to Sept 7)
- Religious education classes will resume on Sept. 8.
- As a social action project, the board approved participating in Postcards to Swing States to encourage voting.
- Ads will be placed in the Highlands Current in hopes of attracting visitors.
- The need for a large screen mounted behind the pulpit was discussed and will be investigated.
- Elizabeth Mehling has agreed to create a video which can be posted on social media of members and friends talking about why they come to UUCRT.
-Sue Ann Peck