January 15, 2025, Board meeting:
- Attending the Sunday Services ministry meeting, Rev. Diane encouraged the use of a UU minister’s sermon at least once a month. She shared guidelines for sermons that local service presenters can use.
- The Sunday Services ministry again told us of their need for more tech support. Bill will again ask the Birch school if they have a student who might be interested in a job.
- Welcoming Ministry has had requests for new name tags, showing the interest of new visitors. Nancy and Jim volunteered to be greeters, since 2 regulars are not available for a while. There has been a request to become a member, prompting the ministry to schedule a meeting to discuss a process for becoming a member.
- RE needs more space. Bill will contact the Birch school about arranging Room 19 for our use on weekends, which is accounted for in our contract with them.