February 6, 2024 BOT Meeting
- Ed Helbig, our Birch maintenance man, and Steve Deutsch will tour the building to insure better maintenance.
- Alan thanked Linda Mangelsdorf for her help in sending out tax information to pledgers.
- The lack of a Religious Education Ministry was discussed. The Board accepted Linda Mangelsdorf’s offer to arrange a meeting of concerned congregants
- There will be a guitar concert on March 16 from 3-5 pm. following a art opening from 1-3 pm.
- Since the asylum seekers will soon be required to leave the hotels and many have jobs, we will end our financial support.
- The Board approved the appointment of Linda Mangelsdorf as the 3rd member of the Committee on Ministry.
- Bill Glass, Bill Domanico, Robin Bonne, Markly Wilson, and Nan Dempster have volunteered to work together to create a Building Safety Plan.
- The Board approved a motion to donate the Feb. 18 Sunday collection to Jewish Voices for Peace.
-Sue Ann Peck