President’s Message

Congratulations. What Would You Like Us to Do? Let’s get it done.

Thank you for electing me as President of the Board of Trustees of the Unitarian Universalists Congregation at Rock Tavern. As I approach the July 1 start, the words that come to mind are Congratulations, What Would You Like Us to Do? And, Let’s Do It.

Congratulations because the pandemic is now behind us. Yes, we certainly struggled with disruption, inconvenience and loss. The pandemic gave us unforeseen challenges and opportunities to which we responded. Opening up a food delivery services serving families challenged by food insecurity provided us an opportunity to help our community. Zoom allowed unprecedented small group check ins and participation in our Sunday services. We rode out the pandemic and remained disciplined, and safe, thanks to Patrick O’Neill’s expertise and leadership. Bill Domanico‘s spontaneous agreement to act as president allowed the Board to seamlessly continue their work and, as the Birch School Liaison, the seeds Bill has planted will reap mutual benefits for a long time. Last summer, members and friends participated in Strategic Planning which resulted in a number of groups and individuals identified to implement specific action steps.

Congratulations because – Look at where we are today! We have a very diligent Sunday Services Ministry, a Stewardship and Finance Ministry, a Membership Ministry, an Arts Ministry and a roster of Greeters who welcome everyone as they enter our building. Then there are those individual members who, because of their sincere commitment, have consistently contributed in their own way before, during or after our
Sunday Service.

All praises to those members who have stepped up to lead organizing opportunities for us to build on our relationships and common likes including: – our new Pot-Luck Sundays, Art Shows and concerts, We Love Books, We Love Movies, and – Happy Hour Fridays.

I take the baton from Bill not only at a time that we are experiencing gradual increases in attendance at Sunday service as well as membership, but also with the addition of two new professional staff: resident minister Diane Diashichin and Administrative Assistant Donna Polat. Congratulations! What Would You Like for your UUCRT for the next year? Something you have observed? Something you wish for yourself or others? Something started but not completed? Something unusual? Your Trustees: Nan Dempster, Alan Horne, Hollis Kellogg, Sue Ann Peck, Nancy Sears, Jim Tarvin and myself are keen to listen to you and follow up.

Congratulations! What Would you like us to do? Let us Know, and Let’s get it done!
-Markly Wilson