UUCRT Minister Rev. Chris J. Antal is the featured speaker at the 2017 seminar, Arm in Arm: Interfaith Action to Disarm Our Planet, on April 6-8, 2017 in New York City. Lay commissioned minister Terri Pahucki is the seminar chaplain. Scholarship applications are accepted through January 16. Early registration with reduced fee ends January 23. The link to scholarship, registration and program details is here: http://www.uua.org/international/events/seminar
The seminar will consider interfaith engagement with issues such as:
- Reducing gun violence and the proliferation of small arms;
- Nuclear disarmament and the abolition of other weapons of mass destruction;
- Use of unmanned drones;
- Strengthening global peace and security;
- Racial implications and consequences of armed violence.
Programming will be interactive, encouraging participants to reflect on how the topics addressed affect them in their lives, their spirituality, and how they are called to respond. Moving from ideas to concrete action, participants will learn tools and skills to help them with future collaboration and activism. Each person will participate in an intergenerational Collaboration Group, touching base periodically throughout the seminar to reflect on and process the issues discussed. Included in this year’s seminar will be programming designed specifically for ministers who are interested in incorporating a global perspective into their congregational ministry.
This project is funded in part by the Fund for Unitarian Universalism.