Speaker: Rev. Diane Diachishin

Release & Renew: A New Year’s Ritual

Join us as we celebrate the new year with reflection, letting go of the ups and downs of the past year and setting intentions as we say hello to the new one. In person and Zoom https://youtu.be/V7cfSobfdio

Finding Light within the Dark

December marks a time of holy days across many spiritual and religious traditions. They encompass themes of hope, love, and courage. This sermon will reflect on the many sides of these ancient values, which can inspire and comfort us for the challenging times that may … read more.

Pre-Election Vigil

In person and Zoom. This Sunday our congregation will gather together in a community circle . Come be in a beloved space and let music, prayer, and readings ease your spirit. We will share our strategies for staying grounded during this time.

Ingathering and Water Communion

For our annual water ceremony bring a
vial of water from a place (real or symbolic)
that holds meaning for you to our service. We will mingle the waters of memories and hope in a shared communion of solidarity and peace.

Finding Wholeness in a Broken World

In person and Zoom. Leonard Cohen wrote “The blizzard of the world has crossed the threshold, and it has overturned the order of the soul”. This sermon will be about finding our way home, finding a hidden wholeness within, an integrity that comes from being … read more.

Welcome, All

Rev. Diane Diachishin. Welcome, All. “He drew a circle that shut me out-Heretic, rebel, a thing to flout. But love and I had the wit to win: We drew a circle and took him in!’ ( E. Markham) Welcome, all, to this place of love … read more.

Renewal~from Darkness to Light

In person and Zoom

Franciscan priest and Christian mystic, Father Richard Rohr, says: “Loss and renewal is the perennial, eternal, transformative pattern. It’s like a secret spiral: each time you allow the surrender, each time you can trust the dying, you will experience a new quality … read more.