Welcome to Jackie Jordan, the newest member of our Ministry, and congratulations to Heather Broadfoot on her August marriage to Mike Stuetzle! Much happiness to you both!
As we are well into the 21st Century and more and more people are using credit cards rather than cash, we are looking into creating a webpage opportunity to donate to the UUCRT. Members and friends will soon be able to make automatic donations to complete pledges, or purchase tickets to events, or donate in honor or in memory of some person or event. Watch for news about this as systems are investigated!
Reminder: At the last Congregational Meeting, it was decided that for business purposes, the UUCRT will return to a July 1-June 30 fiscal year. There are several advantages to this, most notably the opportunity to use the summer to jump start planning for the new year. To bring our financial year along, we’ll be in touch with you about how to pledge for ½ year in December, and then for a full year in June.
Thank yoUU for the opportunity to be of service.
Heather Broadfoot, Alan Horne, Rebecca Jones, Jackie Jordan, Linda Mangelsdorf