It is a delusion that everyone starts out equally, and is, without rules, treated fairly and only their solo efforts gain “success”. Five years ago, I shared with you that my McCauley ancestors were enslavers. What have I done since? The new regime is stopping … read more.
Spotlight on our Speakers
Our Resident Minister, Rev. Diane Diachishin graduated and was ordained by All Faiths Seminary in NYC in 2022 . She taught music for 30+ years in private and public school systems. She has been an active member of the UUCRT for 25 years, wearing many hats. Diane has been Chair of Pastoral Care, served as VP and Secretary to the Board, and Chair of Sunday Service Ministry. Shen facilitated the study and practice of Compassionate Communication for several years, and currently facilitates the monthly Soul Matters group. Diane considers herself a life- long Unitarian. From the age of four, summer vacations were spent with her family and her Star Island community, at an ongoing retreat for UU’s of all ages, which still continues to be a source of renewal and inspiration for her. Diane is passionate about her family, playing music, hiking, and travel.
Barrie Alan Peterson learned at Princeton Seminary and from life experiences that he wasn’t a Calvinist. A retired UU Pastoral Counselor, he coordinated volunteers, self-help groups and organized student activities at Rockland Community College.
He developed the Institute on Work at Seton Hall University, and latterly taught business ethics at Rutgers, Fairleigh Dickenson and Iona College. In early 2023, Barrie and his partner Bea decided to live in Ireland and a year later moved to Clonmel.
Rev. Richard Otterness During his 12 years based in Hungary and Ukraine, Richard Otterness cofounded a Europe wide network for Roma and non-Roma young adult volunteers creating opportunities for non-formal education, dialogue and engagement, to challenge stereotypes and racism ( Earlier he served as a minister and synod director across upstate New York.
Rev.Richard Otterness. During his 12 years based in Hungary and Ukraine, Richard Otterness cofounded a Europe wide network for Roma and non-Roma young adult volunteers creating opportunities for non-formal education, dialogue and engagement, to challenge stereotypes and racism ( Earlier he served as a minister and synod director across upstate New York.
Rev. Dr. L’Anni Hill is a transplant into the Presbyterian Church USA from the Reformed Church in America, in which she was one of the first women ordained over 45 years ago amidst great controversy. While awaiting that decision, she earned a degree in Social Work.
Raised in the Philippines with medical missionary parents, L’Anni’s family welcomed many guests to their home. Hospitality is part of her spiritual DNA. L’Anni has served churches in Egypt, NJ, NY, as well as Puerto Rico and the Hague, Netherlands. She is now licensed as a trauma therapist in Atlanta and began opening her home to asylum seekers during the pandemic.
Rev. Dr. Marlin Lavanhar is the Senior Minister at All Souls Unitarian Church in Tulsa, Oklahoma. An artist and an activist he is also an amateur cartoonist. His topics range from religion to political and social commentary.