Spotlight on our Speakers

Our Resident Minister, Rev. Diane Diachishin graduated and was ordained by All Faiths Seminary in NYC in 2022 . She taught music for 30+ years in private and public school systems. She has been an active member of the UUCRT for 25 years, wearing many hats. Diane has been Chair of Pastoral Care, served as VP and Secretary to the Board, and Chair of Sunday Service Ministry. Shen facilitated the study and practice of Compassionate Communication for several years, and currently facilitates the monthly Soul Matters group. Diane considers herself a life- long Unitarian. From the age of four, summer vacations were spent with her family and her Star Island community, at an ongoing retreat for UU’s of all ages, which still continues to be a source of renewal and inspiration for her. Diane is passionate about her family, playing music, hiking, and travel.

David Toman, Executive Director of Clearwater, was previously Vice President of Operations and Chief Financial Officer at the Mohonk Preserve. Toman’s non-profit career began in the public accounting world; his love of nature guided him to the Delaware Nature Society where he held the position of Associate Director of Business & Finance for 12 years.

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. was a gifted and influential speaker. He worked all over the United States, traveling to help people who were discriminated against because of their color and economic situation. He’s even been canonized as a Saint in the Holy Christian Orthodox Church. He was student of Ghandi’s non-violent protests and his influence guided freedom for blacks, Native Americans, the Vietnamese, the South Africans, and the Irish. Dr. King was jailed 29 times and was bailed out by freedom lovers such as Billy Graham and Walter Reuther, president of the United Auto Workers. Dr. King was awarded many honors including the Nobel Peace Prize in 1964, fifty honorary degrees from colleges and universities, awards from the American Jewish Committee, the NAACP, and Planned Parenthood.

Dahlia Bartz Cabe is a sacred singer￾songwriter, a meditation counselor, and a certified leader of the Dances of Universal Peace. She has led dance circles throughout the United States and
internationally on Zoom, is an active part of the Northeast Sufi SAMA Sangha, a co￾facilitator of the NYNJ Zoom DUPeace circle, and offers a monthly Nature Meditation on Zoom. Dahlia has been a meditation counselor for more than forty years and uses her background in wildlife biology, meditation, and alternative psychology to create workshops, classes, and private session work that fosters greater ease and connection with oneself and to the whole.